Anti-Discrimination Institute stands in solidarity with workers on Labour Day

The Institute for Action Against Discrimination (IFAAD) stands in solidarity with all workers fighting for fair wages, safe working conditions, and equal rights in the workplace.

Too many workers, particularly marginalized groups like women, racial minorities, and immigrants, continue to face discrimination, exploitation, and unsafe working environments. This is unacceptable in a just society.
We must recommit ourselves to the struggle for workers’ rights and dignity. Every person deserves to earn a living wage, be treated with respect, and work in an environment free from bias and harassment.
Let us honour the sacrifices of those who fought for the protections and rights that workers now enjoy. And let us rededicate ourselves to continuing that fight until all workers are truly free and equal.
Together, we can build a better, more equitable future for all Guyanese. Happy Labour Day!
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