𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐄𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭: Deputy Commissioner Acknowledges “the journey toward true inclusion is far from over”

Deputy Commissioner ‘Administration’ Mr. Calvin Brutus delivered a timely speech yesterday at a women’s event held at the Police Force Training Center, highlighting the need for greater advancement and promotion opportunities for women within the Guyana Police Force. The event, part of a two-day Women in Law Enforcement Summit, focused on the theme “Inspiring Inclusion, Advancing Women in Law Enforcement.”

In his address, Mr. Brutus commended the remarkable strides made by women in law enforcement, acknowledging their embodiment of strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to citizen safety. However, he emphasized that the journey toward true inclusion is far from over, noting that women remain underrepresented in leadership positions within the force despite constituting 29% of its ranks.

Mr. Brutus stressed the importance of fostering a diverse force that reflects the communities it serves, citing the benefits of greater understanding and collaboration in creating a safer environment for all. He highlighted the summit as a powerful collaboration between the Guyana Police Force, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce, signaling a commitment to change.

During the summit, discussions centered on concrete strategies to dismantle unconscious bias in promotion processes and create clear pathways for women to reach leadership roles. Mr. Brutus advocated for fair and transparent evaluation procedures, blind selection panels, and targeted training programs focused on leadership development for women.

Acknowledging the crucial role of mentorship and peer support networks in retention and advancement, Mr. Brutus emphasized the need for seasoned female officers to provide guidance and encouragement to younger officers. He also highlighted the importance of open dialogue and collaboration with women’s organizations and diverse communities in ensuring inclusive law enforcement practices.

Looking to the future, Mr. Brutus underscored the potential of technology to empower women officers, streamline processes, and enhance overall safety. He urged women in law enforcement to use the summit as a platform to advocate for change, showcase their leadership potential, and become champions for inclusion.

In closing, Mr. Brutus called on all attendees to challenge biases, advocate for equal opportunities, and celebrate the power of diversity in law enforcement. He emphasized that a force reflective of the community it serves fosters greater trust and ultimately contributes to a safer, more just society for all.

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