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Youths Engage in Empowering Lectures During Police Social Crime Prevention Program

Georgetown, May 24, 2024 – A group of young people participated in an enriching lecture series on Friday as part of the Guyana Police Force’s Social Crime Prevention Program. The event, spearheaded by Woman Assistant Superintendent Jillian Moore-Bowen and held at the Force’s Officer Training Centre, aimed to empower and inspire vulnerable youths from various schools across Guyana.

During the session, the attendees were exposed to a series of lectures and motivational speeches led by Woman Inspector Alexis Ali. The topics covered were designed to build essential life skills, including discipline, substance abuse awareness, hygiene, professionalism, and etiquette.

The program, a collaborative effort with the Community Relations Department of Regional Division 4’A’, seeks to develop the full potential of young individuals by providing them with the tools and knowledge to make positive life choices. Officer-in-Charge Community Relations Department, Woman Inspector Metchelle Padmore, along with Sergeant Carl Pedro and representatives from the Ministry of Social Protection, were also present to support and contribute to the discussions.

This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Guyana Police Force to engage with the community and prevent crime by focusing on youth development and education, thereby fostering a safer and more supportive environment for all.