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Women’s political organisation celebrates 71st Anniversary

The Women’s arm of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) recently celebrated its 71st anniversary. The Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO), which is the first organisation to represent the social, political and economic welfare of women, children and family in Guyana, was formed on the 27th May, 1953 by

In a statement the organisation says it played a vital role in some of the major achievements for women over the years by influencing the political and social landscape of Guyana

Whilst not identifying specifically what it has achieved, the WPO says even though much has been achieved women still face numerous challenges such as subservient treatment and domestic violence. Making known its non-support for these the WPO says it will continue to create awareness through information sharing and discussions to reduce and ultimately eradicate this scourge from society.

The full statement follows:

WPO Celebrates 71 Years of dedicated Service to Guyanese Women – May 27, 1953 – May 27, 2024

The vision of organising women for political action in 1953 has resulted in revolutionary benefits for women after seventy-one years. This resulted in the formation of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) on the 27th May, 1953 by Ms. Janet Jagan, Jane Philips-Gay, Jessica Huntley and Miss Aukland. Today, the WPO remains the women’s section of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Preceding this organisation, the Women’s Political and Economic Organisation (WPEO) was formed by Ms. Janet Jagan and others in July of 1946 but it was mostly Georgetown based. It fulfilled its mandate by setting the pace for the establishment of the WPO, a broad base national women’s political organisation that has its foundation in every region of Guyana. WPO was the first women’s political organization in Guyana to represent the political and socio-economic well-being of women, children, families and provided leadership for the transformation of women’s lives in society. Its primary objectives were to advocate for the rights of women and equal opportunities, especially in the field of education and work.

In its seventy-one (71) years, the WPO observed the major strides made for women by consecutive PPP/Civic governments. Women moved from the fields into the classroom; from the kitchen into the office and from their homes into the world of decision making. Today, the opportunities that lies before women, encourages them to realise their full potential.

But more than that, women today have knowledge and technical skills to influence decisions in every sphere of society. They can represent themselves and each other. The constitution of Guyana, the many legislations and government policies support and inspire the upward mobility of women.

As WPO celebrates its seventy-first (71st) anniversary, it reflects on some of the major achievements for women over the years and can proudly say that it played a vital role in influencing the political and social landscape of Guyana, by being the premier women’s political organisation that was in the forefront, advocating for the many achievements benefitting women today.

Even though much has been achieved, there is still the elephant in the room. Women continue to face cultural practices that put them at a disadvantage. They are still considered the weaker of the sexes and continue to be treated as subservient to men. This particular practice is inherent in the society’s tradition and it’s taking longer to unshackle.

Domestic violence and control of women should no longer be a part of our socio-economic and political landscape. Therefore, the WPO will continue to create awareness through information sharing and discussions to reduce and ultimately eradicate this scourge from our society as we strive to build our one Guyana, where all can live in harmony.

The Women Progressive Organisation wishes to reaffirm its commitment to champion the cause of women’s rights in Guyana and wishes to thank the past and present leadership and membership of the organisation for keeping it alive. We wish to thank the PPP and its leadership for the foresight of establishing this glorious organisation that many call, ‘Home’.