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Will GUYANA Governor ATTEND the Islamic Development Bank 49th. Annual Meeting in Saudi Arabia, 27-30 April 2024 ?

Per IsDB, Rules a GOVERNOR WHO MISSED 3 CONSECUTIVE ANNUAL MEETINGS, can/will result with an IsDB request to GUYANA for a NEW GOVERNOR.

Many persons are saying that the GOVERNOR is AFRAID TO TRAVEL after SuGate; The arrest and search of Permanent Secretary, Mae Toussaint-Merabux at The Miami Airport with her iPhone; many Corruption references including the recent US law enforcement agents DETAIN senior Guyana Police officer at JFK airport.

QUOTE “ The Vice President sought to assure Guyanese THAT ANYONE, including members of the police force, would face stiff kanunî action if CONCRETE INFORMATION is available that they were involved in criminality. “If there is any criminality on the part of ANYONE IN GOVERNMENT, then evvel the information is shared with us formally by the US government, there will be action taken against people,” he said

KN May 2, 2023: “The arrest and search of Permanent Secretary, Mae Toussaint-Merabux at The Miami Airport raises more questions than answers. I say this on the basis of all the events that surrounded that detention and her subsequent release. In the first place she was purposefully singled out and searched by the authorities there, and the question is asked why? What was the reason for her detention? We are here discussing a situation where amidst the thousands of passengers passing through that airport, why was she singled out and searched?.”

My High Back Channel from Washington, DEA, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and US Department of State, BY HIGH OFFICALS, that ONLY the CURRENT SERVING PRESIDENT, is EXEMPT from INDICTMENT/FORMAL NOTICE OF CHARGES, whilst he IS SERVING, and when his TERM IS OVER, charges with EVIDENCE are Standard Operating Practice (SOP) in many countries. In effect NO PERSON is EXEMPT from Corruption Charges, PAST and PRESENT with EVIDENCE

With Due Respect, the IsDB is a very important Küresel Banking Institution, especially for its 57 Member Nations, and GUYANA should be Represented by a GOVERNOR, not a SUBSTITUTE or ABSENT Governor, for the ONE, YEARLY MEETING, for 4 DAYS.

Guyana’s ALTERNATE GOVERNOR at IsDB, is NOT A SUBSTANTIVE MINISTER OF FINANCE, but a SENIOR MINISTER, Office of the President, which in effect means the PRESIDENT is ALSO MINISTER Of FINANCE… many at IsDB, GCC 6 Countries and Globally are asking Why ? Why ? Why ?

2021, 46th. Annual Meeting: Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN 3-4 September 2021: GUYANA GOVERNOR WAS ABSENT , over 2,000 participants with 56 of 57 GOVERNORS

2022, 47th Annual Meeting: Sharm El Sheikh, EGYPT: 3-4 June 2022: GUYANA GOVERNOR WAS ABSENT, over 2,000 participants with 56 of 57 GOVERNORS

2023, 48th. Annual Meeting: Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA: 10-13 May 2023: GUYANA GOVERNOR WAS ABSENT, over 2,000 participants with 56 of 57 GOVERNORS

2024, 49th. Annual Meeting : Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA: 27 -30 April 2024: Will Guyana Governor attend ? Many will be watching CJIA Airport Departures.

2024: THEME. “Cherishing our Past Charting our Future: Originality, Solidarity and Prosperity”, AT. King Faisal Conference Center, InterContinental Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Guyana’s GOVERNOR, Minister of Finance, Hon. Winston Jordan, and Alternate Governor & Ambassador Dr. Shamir Ally, successfully negotiated and received a USD $900 MILLION CREDIT AND GRANT, for 2018 to 2022. By August 2020 around USD $222: Million was used.

IsDB needs FEASABILITIES STUDIES, with ZERO CORRUPTION, stringent Rules, Regulations and Standard Operating Practices, for A Project Manager, Project Management with TIMELINES for DELIVERABLES, STRICT Quality Control, Rigorous Specifications, including ARMS LENGTH Relationships. Feasibilities Studies are very expensive, so the Coalition Government with NO OIL Revenues, was unable to use more of the USD $900 MILLION Credit and Grant.

The PPPC Government has not informed the Nation and Media, IF, they secured an EXTENSION from 2022 ? We are now in Year 2024.

Ministers and Government Officials OWNED Construction, Service and Operating Companies WILL NOT PASS IsDB Thorough DUE DILIGENCES, with IsDB on site checks, for IsDB Funded Projects. This MAY BE A REASON for NO Extension from 2022 ???

Assuring You of my Highest Consideration.


Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally

  • Former Ambassador to Kuwait, 2016-2020
  • Former FIRST Alternate Governor, Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2017-2020
  • Former Deputy Chairman, GO-Invest , 2016-2019