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Why was GuySuCo plane cannibalised?

Dear Editor,

Reference is drawn to the letter (Jun 16) by Mr. Carl Persaud. Mr Persaud, describing himself as a hard-working engineer, informed the public that GuySuCo’s lone aircraft (valued at $200 million) was cannibalised. Apparently, he was not aware and had not informed the public that the aircraft was cannibalized for parts to fix an aircraft of a private company.

The private company subsequently has been given a multi-million-dollar contract for its revamped aircraft (that now has GuySuCo aircraft’s parts) to do the crop dusting that used to be done by the GuySuco aircraft. In addition to the arguments laid out by Mr. Persaud in his missive, is there any business management sense in GuySuCo’s decision to decommission a working aircraft, giving its parts to fix a non-functioning plane of a private company, head office located at Wights Lane, Kingston, albeit supportive of the President.

Was religious affiliation a factor in decommissioning the GuySuCo plane and giving the parts to the private company?

The recent management action was carried out under new CEO Paul Cheong. The question on the public’s mind – Is change in CEO of GuySuCo an improvement in management and accountability over his predecessor Sase Singh? In the face of Vice President Jagdeo’s stated move against corruption or mismanagement since the American sanctions, what will be done regarding this blatant misdeed or misconduct or malpractice? The public awaits the Bp’s response!

Yours truly,

Rudesh Jodha