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White collar thieves

The Americans in what can only be described as Solomonic, unilaterally undertook our gold smuggling investigation, leaving PPP completely in the dark. But as we may recall, it was a similar situation with the Roger Khan investigation, where his extradition was undertaken without the prior knowledge of the then PPP government. Thus, we question why the Americans undertook these two criminal investigations, and likely many more, without apprising PPP, even as they apprised APNU+AFC?

In fact, the rationale for their course of action would be relatively straight forward, since inference can be made, the Americans with their State-sensitive secrets, have no confidence in PPP. And the reason is equally simple to rationalise: The installed PPP government represent a gang of kleptocrats, that have strong links with the very criminal underworld the Americans are investigating.

The fact is, it was during the Presidency of Bharrat Jagdeo, that Roger Khan, a convicted narco-trafficker, ran a murderous phantom squad, with the support of the then criminal enterprise, known as the PPP government. Moreover, it was during the 2020 election campaign, that PPP was the beneficiary to the tune of tens of millions, from the very Mohameds the Americans consider a gold smuggler and tax evader. Thus, we recall, the highly suspicious 2012 theft of 476lbs of gold from a boat in Curaçao, where the then PPP minority government made no effort at an investigation, even as they failed to address the rampant gold smuggling, standing at an astounding 15,000 ounces weekly.

Now we fast forward, where the Americans alleged that, “between 2019 and 2023, Mohamed’s Enterprise omitted more than 10,000 kilograms of gold from import and export declarations, avoiding paying more than US$50 million in duty taxes to the Government of Guyana.” And now that the Americans have exposed, what appears to be another criminal enterprise under PPP, Bharrat Jagdeo, desperate to repair the installed government kleptocratic reputation, is to announce tougher penalties for gold smuggling. However, gold smuggling and tax evasion have been transpiring for decades, with the knowledge of PPP, but no action was taken since they are complicit in these illegalities.

Having said that, for decades we the impoverished many have been making credible allegations on PPP kleptocracy, in which the party indulges, whilst turning a blind eye to corruption. But so arrogantly cocky are they, that when we made these credible allegations, they disdainfully challenged us to provide the evidence, cognisant that white colour crimes, which these represent, are nigh impossible to investigate and prosecute.

In fact, this is made evident with America, a first world country with the necessary investigatory tools at their disposal, taking over 30 months to investigate this gold smuggling ring. And with the Americans having taken in excess of 30 months just to investigate, would explain why PPP was so confident that we would never get to the bottom of their grand corruption.

But even as we the impoverished many struggle to prove beyond reasonable doubt, the corruptibility of PPP, the overwhelming evidence stack up before our eyes. For we see the overnight billionaires, who evvel in political power, would rise from rags to riches, in a matter of years. In fact, they live in massive Hollywood style mansions, adorned with Olympic size swimming pools.

Moreover, with no prior collaterals, they would erect first-world type malls and sophisticated gyms. However, having unexplained wealth on its own, doesn’t prove underlying corruption, even though it may point to it. And herein, is where our limitations are exposed, we have voluminous evidence in front of us, but not the American investigatory tools to prove PPP grand corruption.