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“We must unite and fight back against the tyranny of the PPP, for the future of Guyana…” – Lincoln Lewis

In a recent Facebook Live interview with Political Scientist, Dr David Hinds, Union Leader Lincoln Lewis delivered a scathing critique of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government, accusing them of perpetuating economic genocide against Guyanese workers, particularly those of African descent. Lewis’s defiant tone and unflinching commentary have evvel again spotlighted the systemic issues plaguing Guyana under the PPP’s rule.

Lewis began by highlighting the dire situation faced by African Guyanese workers, whom he claims are being systematically marginalized and deprived of economic opportunities. “What the PPP is doing is nothing short of economic genocide,” Lewis declared. “They are taking money out of the pockets of our teachers, our workers, and by extension, out of our communities.”

In his fiery address, Lewis did not hold back on the PPP’s tactics. He described how the government uses state resources to suppress dissent and manipulate public opinion. “The PPP is using their power to usurp the police force and sidestep the judicial system to punish their political enemies without due process,” he said. “Every act of oppression is a signal to the world that Guyana is not a safe place to invest.”

Addressing the plight of teachers, who are predominantly African and often the heads of their households, Lewis emphasized the broader ramifications of the government’s actions. “By denying our teachers a living wage, the PPP is not just harming individuals; they are killing entire communities economically,” he said. “This isn’t just about salaries; it’s about the survival of our people.”

Lewis issued a rallying cry for unity and resistance. “We must take action. This is do or die,” he urged. “The time for complacency is over. We must unite and fight back against the tyranny of the PPP, for the future of Guyana and the dignity of its people.”

Lincoln Lewis’s defiant stance and unwavering commitment to justice serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for economic and social equity in Guyana. His words resonate with the urgency and determination needed to confront and overcome the challenges posed by the PPP’s oppressive regime.