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Vital Role of UG’s Confucius Institute in Building and Strengthening Ties Between Guyana and China Underscored at 10th Anniversary Celebrations

The Confucius Institute of the University of Guyana recently commemorated its 10th anniversary with an event held in the Education Lecture Theatre (ELT) at UG’s Turkeyen Campus. The celebration marked a significant milestone in the institute’s journey of fostering cultural exchange and educational collaboration between Guyana and China.

The event featured several notable presentations including from the Honourable Prime Minister Brigadier Mark Phillips, Chinese Ambassador H.E. Guo Haiyan, and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Professor Paloma Mohamed Martin.

In his address, Prime Minister Phillips highlighted the institute’s pivotal role in promoting cultural diversity and mutual respect. “The success achieved between our peoples over the last 10 years with the Confucius Institute is significant,” he said. “We must continue to fly the flag of cultural curiosity and respect high by promoting the work of the Confucius Institute at the University of Guyana. I look forward to seeing its continued efforts in offering programmes, courses, cultural activities, and collaborations within the university and the local community.”

UG’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Paloma Mohamed Martin spoke passionately about Guyana’s growing international community and the vital role the Confucius Institute plays. “The work of the Confucius Institute is essential not only for cultural exchange but also as a crucial business tool,” she noted.

According to the VC, Mandarin has been in high demand at the university for the last seven or eight years, and “we want to ensure our people can communicate across barriers and understand each other culturally, starting with our students here.”

A section of the audience at the event

Director of the Confucius Institute, Al Creighton, provided insights into plans, including the introduction of a Bachelor of Arts programme in Mandarin. “We are excited to move from offering courses up to Level Six in Mandarin to hopefully launching a full degree programme,” he announced. He noted that this expansion will require more resources and infrastructure, including a new building on campus to house the Confucius Institute and its programmes.

Chinese Ambassador H.E. Guo Haiyan in her address, emphasised the deep-rooted ties between Guyana and China and the importance of the Confucius Institute in strengthening these bonds. “The development of the Confucius Institute is of great significance to both Guyana and China,” she remarked. “The institute serves as a platform where our two countries can learn from each other and cooperate, promoting mutual understanding and good relations among different ethnic groups in Guyana,” the Ambassador added.

The University of Guyana is proud to celebrate this milestone and looks forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration with the Confucius Institute, fostering a deeper understanding and cooperation between the people of Guyana and China.

Please see the link to the photographs of the event: