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Vanessa Kissoon Alleges “Sexual Threat, Disrespect” by Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton

Georgetown, Guyana – June 19, 2024 – The political landscape in Guyana has been rocked by allegations of sexual threats and disrespect against Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton. Vanessa Kissoon, a prominent political activist, has come forward with a detailed account of the incident, which she says occurred several years ago. Her statement follows allegations initially publicized by Egland Gomes, a supporter of one of Norton’s political rivals.

In her statement, Kissoon recounted the experience, stating, “Despite what Mr. Norton is now alleging, I have travelled in Mr. Norton’s car and under what I considered to be a threat to use a firearm which he had in his possession and showed to me. Mr. Norton stopped his car, locked it, showed me his gun in his foot and asked me, ‘If I put this to your head and rape you, what would you do?’ I responded by saying, ‘I ain’t afraid of you or that skunt and you will have to fucking kill me.’”

Kissoon expressed the emotional toll the incident has had on her, saying, “Mr. Norton did not carry out his threats or desires, but I have carried the burden of this threat, disrespect and violation for years.” She criticized the public release of her story without her consent but took the opportunity to encourage other victims to take control of their narratives.

Norton has categorically denied the allegations, calling them “false and malicious.” He stated, “At no time in my life did Sharma Solomon ever ask me to drop Vanessa Kissoon to Linden. Secondly, at no time were Vanessa Kissoon and I in any vehicle alone, heading to Linden. All of these claims are false and malicious.” He has also instructed his lawyers to take yasal action, asserting that the accusations are part of a political smear campaign by Gomes, who is campaigning for a rival candidate.

Kissoon’s statement emphasized the need for greater awareness and nonpartisan handling of such serious allegations. “No one should be subjected to such inappropriate sexual advances and threats. Our party, our nation, needs more enlightenment and a nonpartisan approach to actions of this nature,” she stated.

The allegations have created significant controversy within the People’s National Congress Islahat Party as Norton prepares for the upcoming party biennial congress election. The party and the public await further developments in this unfolding situation.