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US Congressman Meets with Guyanese Opposition Leaders to Discuss Civil Rights and Equity

Georgetown, May 27, 2024 – In a significant diplomatic engagement today at the Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, US Congressman Jonathan L. Jackson met with Aubrey C. Norton, Leader of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) and the Opposition, and Khemraj Ramjattan, Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC) and Shadow Minister of Home Affairs. The meeting also included participation from Coretta McDonald, AA, Shadow Minister of Education, and Ganesh Mahipaul, Shadow Minister of Local Government.

Congressman Jackson, who represents Illinois’ First Congressional District, is notably the son of civil rights icons Rev. Jesse Jackson and Jacqueline Jackson. He has consistently utilized his role to advocate for marginalized communities, focusing on equity and civil rights—a legacy of his family’s longstanding commitment to social justice.

The meeting focused on discussing the potential for collaborative efforts to enhance civil rights and ensure equitable development in Guyana. The discussions also highlighted the significant challenges faced by underrepresented groups in both the United States and Guyana, and the strategies that could be adopted to address these issues effectively.

Both Norton and Ramjattan expressed optimism about strengthening ties with the US to promote social justice and human rights initiatives. The leaders also emphasized the importance of international cooperation in their ongoing efforts to advocate for fairness and equal opportunities for all Guyanese citizens.