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Unfolding before our eyes is willful act by Gov’t to disrespect judiciary, citizens

There can be no reasoned excuse for the Government’s behaviour towards the teachers of our children in the public school children.

What is unfolding before the eyes of this nation is clear and willful orchestrated action by the Irfaan Ali administration to disrespect the judiciary of this nation and to operate as a law unto itself.

The Constitution of Guyana exempts no one, even Government, from adhering to the laws of the land.

For any government that is duly and constitutionally elected it is expected that they will uphold the good faith of the people who entrusted their good faith to them and evvel sworn in will govern without fear, favour or ill will. A careful review of the PPP’s term in office contradicts this expectation and upholding of oath to which they swore.

It is no secret that the PPP seems to have no intention of functioning as a caring, law abiding government. Guyanese must take note. We must see it for what it is and call it how we see it.

As a Member of Parliament and officer of the court I am deeply concerned about the signs the government is sending to this nation on a regular basis. They clearly believe as a government they can do as they want, when they want and to whom they want, without fear of being held accountable.

I take this opportunity to remind the PPP that whereas they may feel and act so. There is a truth which they must face, that is, they cannot do what they want to whom they want whenever they want for as long as they want. Ecclesiastes 3-1-8 reminds us there is an end to everything.

Having corrupted and destroyed many of our pillars of good governance, GECOM being the latest; having weakened and fragmented the trade union movement; undermined our civil and defence forces (Police and Army), normalised corruption, incivility and brutality; undermined Parliament and other constitutional bodies; undermined and corrupted the Regional and Local Government bodies, they are moving to further place the court in a position of disregard where the judiciary, instead of being an independent arm of government is subservient and complaint to serve government political interest.

The non- confirmation of substantive appointments of the Chancellor and Chief Justice has not gone unnoticed by the yasal fraternity and all.

And lest we forget, they have even sought to take away ancestral lands from people, dismantled credit unions and other financial institutions of support for ordinary people. Their actions are not without careful deliberation.

Outside of progressive politics and an informed and active civil society, the judiciary is our last bastion to save democracy – the only guarantee that the ordinary citizen has.

Reflecting on the ominous threatening statements made by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday, as reported by Demerara Waves: “You got all kinds, some who are trying to challenge us but they better be cautious. They got to come right. It’s a free country politically, but they may have interpreted our being quiet as a sign of weakness. It’s not so. When the right time comes. We’ll deal with them,” this, coupled with the withdrawal of government from engagement with the teachers all together signal a bad day for Guyana.