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Tragic fire claims life of three-month-old Leroy

By Mark DaCosta-In a heartbreaking incident, a devastating fire tore through a home in Hope, West Enmore, East Coast Demerara, claiming the life of three-month-old Leroy Archer on Thursday morning. The Guyana Fire Service reportedly responded swiftly after receiving reports at approximately 10:25 hrs, with two fire tenders arriving promptly by 10:35 hrs. Tragically, the child’s mother, Chandroutie Manickchand, was in the bathroom when the fire broke out, leaving Leroy alone in the bedroom.

According to reports, the fire escalated rapidly, engulfing the bedroom before Chandroutie could reach her child. She bravely attempted to rescue him but was forced to evacuate as flames spread throughout the building. Despite efforts to contain the fire, the incident has left the community reeling from yet another devastating loss of life to domestic fire.

This incident follows closely on the heels of another recent tragedy in ‘C’ Field, Sophia, where four-year-old Junior Anderson lost his life in a fire caused by children playing with matches. Such heartbreaking incidents underscore the urgent need for heightened awareness and preventive measures to safeguard our children from the ravages of fire.

Tragically, our nation has witnessed far too many young lives lost to domestic fires. These incidents serve as poignant reminders of the critical importance of fire safety precautions within our homes. While fires can start unexpectedly and escalate rapidly, there are essential steps families can take to mitigate risks and protect our children:

1. Smoke Alarms: Ensure working smoke alarms are installed on every level of your home, particularly near sleeping areas. Regularly test alarms to ensure they are functioning correctly.

2. Fire Escape Plan: Develop and practice a fire escape plan with your family, including young children. Ensure everyone knows multiple escape routes from each room and designate a meeting point outside.

3. Safe Storage of Flammable Materials: Store flammable liquids and materials such as matches, lighters, and cleaning products safely out of reach of children. Educate older children about the dangers of playing with fire.

4. Supervision and Education: Never leave young children unattended, especially in rooms with potential fire hazards such as kitchens or near open flames. Teach children about fire safety from a young age, emphasising the importance of never playing with matches or lighters.

5. Electrical Safety: Regularly inspect electrical appliances and wiring for signs of wear or damage. Avoid overloading electrical outlets and use extension cords wisely.

6. Cooking Safety: Exercise caution while cooking, and never leave cooking food unattended. Keep flammable materials away from stovetops and maintain a clear area around cooking appliances.

Each of these precautions plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of fire-related tragedies in our homes. By remaining vigilant and proactive in fire safety measures, we can help protect our children and prevent the devastating loss of life witnessed all too often.

In the wake of such heart-wrenching events, our community stands together in mourning for young Leroy Archer and all children who have tragically lost their lives to fires. Let us honour their memories by taking concrete steps to ensure our homes are safe havens where our children can grow and thrive without fear of such preventable disasters.

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