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Top 10 HAPPIEST Countries in the WORLD in 2024; USA & California; 7 SUGGESTIONS for GUYANA via a COMMISSION; TENDERS for CONTRACTS in KUWAIT, Best Practices for Guyana ??? ; and BOOK “ Dear Land of Guyana: My Quest for National Unity.” Paperback – by Moses V. Nagamootoo (Author)

Top 10 HAPPIEST Countries in the WORLD in 2024


Since 2002, the World Happiness Report has used statistical analysis to determine the world’s happiest countries. In its 2021 update, the report concluded that Finland is the happiest country in the world. To determine the world’s happiest country, researchers analyzed comprehensive Gallup polling veri from 149 countries for the past three years, specifically monitoring performance in six categories: gross domestic product per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make your own life choices, generosity of the general population, and perceptions of internal and external corruption levels.


USA & California

The United States of America FAILED to make it into the Top 20 happiest countries globally for the FIRST TIME since the inaugural World Happiness Report over a decade ago.

But CALIFORNIA — and ONE BAY AREA CITY (ALAMEDA COUNTY city of FREMONT) in particular — stands out from the rest of the country.

According to a recent survey by the Public Policy Institute of California, 16% of California adults reported feeling “very happy” and another 58% said they were “pretty happy,” while just 26% indicated they were “not too happy.” The latter group primarily comprised younger adults and lower-income residents.

That makes California the seventh-happiest state in the U.S. according to personal finance company WalletHub, with three cities appearing in the top five happiest. Leading the list is the ALAMEDIA COUNTY city of FREMONT, which has consistently held the TOP SPOT for the PAST FIVE YEARS. (San Jose ranked third in the U.S. and Irvine was fifth. San Francisco came in at No. 7.)

With a population of approximately 218,000, Fremont ranks as the fourth most populous city in the Bay Area, after San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland.

Census veri reveals a diverse demographic makeup, with nearly 62% of residents identifying as Asian, 21% as White, 12% as Hispanic or Latino, and 3% as Black. The remaining 2% are of other races or from multiracial backgrounds.

Fremont also boasts the largest concentration of Afghan Americans in the U.S., a distinction highlighted in Khaled Hosseini’s 2003 novel “The Kite Runner.” Afghanistan, incidentally, was named the “unhappiest” country in the world in the World Happiness Report, which is based on research from Oxford University.

The study was conducted by measuring dozens of variables across three main dimensions: emotional and physical well-being, work environment, and community and environment.

The importance of happiness extends beyond individual well-being; it correlates with longer life expectancy, better health, career success, and increased civic engagement through activities like voting and volunteering, the speakers said.

“Because if we have everybody clothed, everybody housed, everybody has a job and they’re miserable, then we’ve failed at what we’re trying to do,” Rendon said.

Bay Area mayor of America’s happiest city reveals secret to success (

7 SUGGESTIONS for GUYANA via a Commission towards a HAPPIER GUYANA for ALL.

NUMBER 1: The Government of GUYANA to establish a COMMISSION of 7 Persons, from PPPC, PNCR, AFC, ANUG, TRADE UNIONS, PRIVATE SECTOR COMMISSION and CIVIL SOCIETY, to seek inputs from the 10 Regions and Region 11, The Diaspora, Non-Resident Guyanese (NRG) for Democracy to be in practice with ARMS LENGTH, Discussions, Dialogue and Decisions. BY SECRET BALLOT, this GROUP VOTE for their Chair and Deputy Chair, TOWARDS a VISION, PLAN and EXECUTION, for a HAPPIER GUYANA for ALL, with EQUITY, TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY.

THIS COMMISSION to ALSO discuss the National Resource Fund (NRF) which is OWNED by ALL Guyanese and NO ONE SEAT MAJORITY PARTY in Government SHOULD BE THE SOLE DECISION MAKER for the use of these FUNDS and WITHDRAWALS.

CURRENTLY the PRESIDENT of GUYANA is also the SUBSTANTIVE MINISTER of FINANCE, where, many are saying, for POSSIBLE IMMUNITY from PROSECUTIONS, but in these times GLOBALLY, NO PERSON is IMMUNE from Prosecution and WHEN Found GUILTY in the GUYANA COURTS via GRA, SARA, SOCU, etc. with EVIDENCE.

Reminder in Guyana we have, Hon. Dr. Ashni Singh- SENIOR MINISTER , OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT with RESPONSIBILITY for FINANCE, Ministry of Finance.

NUMBER 2: GDP PER CAPITA: currently is off the chart BUT HALF the population is close to starvation. Massive EVIDENCE is in the social media and Stabroek News WEEKLY reports, on COST OF LIVING.

Based on my experiences with Kuwait, GCC, Singapore, and Norway, am suggesting that 50% of NRF Annual Withdrawals, should be used for INFRASTRUCTURES DEVELOPMENT and 50% be used for INCREASED HİSSE for ALL WORKERS in Government, Sugar Estates, Corporations, INCLUDING similarly for ALL PRIVATE SECTOR Employees.

A TRIBUNAL to Study and Recommend the SALARIES, FRINGE BENEFITS and OTHER ALLOWANCES, like the PAST ARMSTRONG TRIBUNAL, which was an İSİM JUDICIARY BODY created BY LAW, pursuant to SECTION 4 of the LABOR ACT, be ESTABLISHED to include Mr. E. B. John, from Bookers/Guyana Sugar Estates with his over 50 years experiences in GUYANA’s HUMAN RESOURCES LIVED EXPERIENCES.

Guyana’s BLESSED OIL, GAS and NATURAL RESOURCES, are for the BENEFIT of ALL GUYANESE with Equity, Fairness and Transparency. The OIL Revenues are MAINLY BENEFITING a SMALL SEÇKİNE Group, with Families, Friends, and Favorites for LUCRATIVE CONTRACTS, Ministries LEADERSHIP Positions, including State Agencies, Ambassadors and High Commissioners.

NUMBER 3: SOCIAL SUPPORT: to be improved especially for the RETIREES, ALL Government, Sugar Estates, Teachers, State Agencies workers, and to include the PRIVATE SECTOR Employees.

NUMBER 4: HEALTH LIFE EXPECTANCY: The daily announcement of NEW PRIVATE HOSPITALS with HIGH FEES, to MAXIMIZE PROFITS, is the wrong course. ALL Governments’ RESPONSIBILITIES are for their CITIZENS, Security, HEALTH, and Well Being. The Government MUST Provide COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICES, with Hospital, Dental and Optical Services for ALL CITIZENS, as a RIGHT with their OIL & GAS Blessings.

NUMBER 5: FREEDOM: Is not a VOTE at the BALLOT BOX. Freedom means a person with the right, facility, or power to SPEAK, WRITE, ACT, THINK or PARTICIPATE as one WISHES to DO, without FEAR, RESTRAINT or HINDRANCE. BIOMETRICS VOTING is the way forward for improved Freedom in Guyana.

NUMBER 6: GENEROSITY: This can involve the sharing and donations of Monies, Food, Clothing, School Supplies, and Other Assistance to persons in need. Guyana in the 1960’s was with EACH Person being our SISTER and BROTHER’s KEEPER. We need to return to this. OLD MONIES PERSONS in Guyana and continuing with this each FRIDAY without Media Coverages, and NEW MONIES Persons are assisting with HUGE Media and HEAVY Social Media Coverages.

CHRISTIANITY: The scriptures teach that “charity never faileth.” (See 1 Corinthians 13:4–8.) The Savior was our example of how to feel toward and treat others.

HINDUISM: The İsmi Parva of the Hindu Epic Mahabharata, in Chapter 91, states that a person must first acquire wealth by honest means, then embark on charity.

ISLAM: REQUIRES a tithe of ONE-TENTH of NETT income or NETT WEALTH, to be given to those in need; especially during RAMADAN and EID Celebrations.

NUMBER 7: PERCEPTIONS of CORRUPTION: Reportedly at Opposition Pressers, it is repeatedly said that around 40% of a CONTRACT AMOUNT is for BRIBES. We need to remember that the INTEREST of JUSTICE is GREATER than Political Parliamentary Decisions. Currently in practice, am reliably informed DAILY are the MASSIVE CORRUPTION, mismanagement of RESOURCES , and lack of TRANSPARENT DISTRIBUTION mechanisms.

CORRUPTION INDEX for 2023: Trinidad and Tobago ranked 76 and is the second most corrupt country in the English-speaking Caribbean, while GUYANA which scored 87 is the MOST CORRUPT. This rating am told is NO massive surprise to most persons in Guyana, the Diaspora and Globally.

My High Back Channel from Washington, DEA, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and US Department of State, BY HIGH OFFICIALS, that only the CURRENT SERVING PRESIDENT, is EXEMPT from INDICTMENT, whilst he or she is serving, and when their term is over, charges with EVIDENCE are Standard Operating Practice (SOP) in many countries. In effect NO PERSON is EXEMPT from Corruption Charges, PAST and PRESENT with EVIDENCE.

This Columnist, Shamir Ally, HAS LIVED DUE DILIGENCE/ACQUISITION EXPERIENCES, from His Excellency Hon. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, Esq, SC, OE, with Hon. LFSB’s STRATEGIC “thinking out of the box” GUIDES, to the FINANCIAL ADVISORY TEAM, for Nationalization/Acquisition of BOOKERS HOLDINGS, on which Shamir Ally. was requested, DECLINED and Hon. LFSB INSISTED with a few “cuss words” that Shamir MUST serve, whilst working as Company Secretary/Accountant at Bookers Lithographic & Boxmakers, with KNOWLEDGE of the Bookers Accounting Systems.

The Guyana Financial Advisory Team with Shamir Ally, Harold Davis, and Yesu Persaud, with Chair, Secretary of the Treasury Harold Wilkinson, for Guyana’s NATIONALIZATION/ ACQUISITION of the BOOKER SUGAR ESTATES and BOOKERS Holdings in Guyana. Guyana is with the skills to Plan, Staff and Execute, “ out of the box” ASSETS RETURN to Guyana’s Treasury. Dr. Shamir has 2 pages of EVIDENCE of this ITEM, amongst others.

Skilled CERTIFIED FRAUD EXAMINERS (CFE) with TIPS and EVIDENCE from Guyanese, WHO KNOWS and MANAGED, coupled with BEST PRACTICES ASSISTANCES from the USA, UK, Canada, EU, Singapore, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, CAN and WILL LOCATE and RETRIEVE the CORRUPTION monies, for Guyana’s Transformational Development with a PEOPLE CENTERED GOVERNMENT. From the Totality of my Küresel Experiences CAN GUARANTEE, SARA, SOCU & GRA will HİSSE FOR THEMSELVES, many thousand times.

SN: April 6, 2024 “I regret agreeing to be a PPP/C candidate in 2020 : I am now forced to tell the public that I APOLOGIZE for unknowingly being PART OF THAT FRAUD. TONY VEIRA.”

TENDERS for CONTRACTS in KUWAIT, Best Practices for Guyana ???.

The KUWAIT CENTRAL AGENCY for PUBLIC TENDERS PORTAL, service allows Businesses, Citizens, and Residents, to check on OPENED TENDERS, eSERVICES, Forms, Documents and Contracts. Tenders – RFP , BIDS, eTenders, eProcurment Notices are all available to the public and Globally.



Kuwait’s Central Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT), under the authority of the Council of Ministers, acts on behalf of most government ministries. It oversees public tenders that are valued at more than 75,000 KD (approximately $248,500). Besides awarding contracts, CAPT invites companies to pre-qualify and attend pre-tender meetings. .

Announcements from the agency can be found at the website:, and are published weekly in Arabic in the official gazette, al-Kuwait al-Youm. An English translation of the gazette is available for subscription from translation offices and publishing companies.

International companies (including U.S. firms) can bid directly in some public tenders, while others require a local partner. A local partner is needed for the execution phase. One of the requirements for an international company to participate in a tender is to register at the Central Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT). Companies can register online, through the CAPT website. This service is for the companies that want to register for the 1st time in CAPT without having a previous registration record. This process can take months, so firms are advised to register early.

How a U.S. or Foreign Company Can Register with the Central Agency for Public Tenders

Note: Before beginning this process, it is advisable to have a local representative in Kuwait who can follow-up on the submission

  1. Gather the following documents and have them translated into Arabic using a certified translator:
  • A letter stating the following in the company letterhead: company phone and fax numbers, company address outside Kuwait and inside (if any), company website and email address. The letter should be signed by an authorized company representative and list their job title.
  • Company commercial license.
  • Authorized signatory form of CAPT.
  • Other documents as specified in a specific tender which can include bid letter, agency agreement, power of attorney, etc.
  • The above documents should be translated into Arabic by certified translator before submitting to the Kuwait Embassy.
  1. Send the documents to the State Department in Washington, DC to be notarized, please check this link: Office of Authentications ( This process can take several weeks so please apply early.
  2. Evvel notarized by the State Department, the documents should be sent for certification by the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce. These meşru documents must be notarized by a notary public, authenticated by the Secretary of the State in which the document is executed.
  3. When the seal is obtained, the letter should be mailed or delivered in-person to Kuwait
  4. The notarized documents should then be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kuwait. A local representative is recommended to manage the processing steps in Kuwait.
  5. Evvel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs certifies the documents, the documents can then be submitted to the Central Agency for Public Tenders.
  6. The Agency will review the documents and then send a link to the foreign firm for payment of the registration fee.
  7. After the registration is approved by the Board of Directors, a certificate will be emailed to the foreign company. The company is now eligible to bid on public tenders.

General Rules for Registering with the Central Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT):

• in case of any missing document the request will be rejected
• CAPT will take up to 10 days to review applications
• all documents should be clear and readable, or an application could be rejected.

To learn more about the registration process, please reach out to [email protected]

BOOK “ Dear Land of Guyana: My Quest for National Unity.” Paperback – by Moses V. Nagamootoo (Author)

AMAZON USD $19.99: 360 Pages

“This is the intriguing but untold story about the author’s political struggles against authoritarian manipulation and control, and the pursuit by him of his PASSION for NATIONAL UNITY in Guyana, a Caribbean and South American nation, now hailed as “the fastest growing economy in the world.”

The formation of a multi-ethnic, six-party electoral alliance and its election in 2015 as the first-ever broad-based coalition government in Guyana were giant steps in the right direction towards promoting national unity.

“The image of our ‘rainbow coalition’ was symbolically a triumph over past partisan hatred and, at the same time, a refreshing ray of hope that hitherto hostile groupings and their leaders could work together for the good of the people. At most, it was an experiment that could not be avoided. It was worth the try to heal our divided nation.”

QUOTE. “FOOLS multiply when WISE men/women are SILENT.” Dr. Nelson Madiba Rolihlahla Mandela.

Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.