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“Todd’s Incompetence and McKoy’s Ugly Aggression Against Hon. Amanza Walton-Desir Unsettling ” – Anonymous

A recent meeting of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee descended into near chaos on Tuesday. According to someone with first hand knowledge of the disruption,” what happened at the meeting was disturbing and highlighted both the incompetence of Committee Chair Hugh Todd and the ongoing violent behavior of Minister Kwame McKoy.” Opposition MP and Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Amanza Walton-Desir, also detailed the troubling events that unfolded, drawing attention to the unacceptable conduct of these government officials.

MP Walton-Desir pointed out that Todd, who chairs the committee, displayed a shocking lack of understanding of the committee’s role. He incorrectly asserted that the committee was merely established to receive reports on Foreign Relations matters. Walton-Desir had to remind Todd and the committee that, according to Standing Order 86, the committee has a far broader mandate than just receiving reports. “Todd’s belligerent response to this correction was telling of his unpreparedness and lack of competence in his role”, stated a witness who spoke only on condition of anonymity.

In the midst of the meeting, tensions reportedly escalated further when Kwame McKoy, a government minister with a history of violent behavior towards women, allegedly knocked down MP Walton-Desir’s microphone and turned it off while she was speaking. According to the witness, “…such acts of aggression by McKoy are not isolated. McKoy has previously been accused of assaulting a parliamentarian with a phone and has been accused of violence against several women.

Walton-Desir recounted the incident, saying, “Hugh Todd’s attitude in the meeting today left much to be desired. He called me crazy and then, when I called him out on it, he tried to amend it by saying that I was behaving crazy. This is completely unacceptable from a sitting Minister of Government but is in keeping with the attitude we have seen from this PPP/C Administration towards women in the National Assembly.”

Despite the ongoing harassment, the Opposition MPs, committed to serving the public interest, sat through the meeting. Walton-Desir noted that while the Opposition supports the Government on the issue of the Border Controversy, it will not “go along blindly” with every position taken, emphasizing the need for critical oversight.

McKoy, however, denied physically knocking down the microphone, claiming instead that he turned it off in protest. Additionally, the Foreign Affairs Minister attempted to defend his stance by suggesting that it was necessary to clarify the functions of the Sectoral Committee. However, this justification falls flat in the face of his evident inability to manage the committee effectively and to address the aggressive behavior of his colleague, McKoy.

The incident underscores the troubling dynamics within the PPP/C Administration, particularly concerning its treatment of women and the lack of accountability for violent actions by its members. The failure of Todd to understand his role and to maintain order, coupled with McKoy’s continued aggression, highlights significant issues that need urgent attention to ensure a respectful and functional parliamentary environment.