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Three Guyanese Youth Highlighted as 30 Under 30 Caribbean American Changemakers

June is designated as National Caribbean American Heritage Month. The Institute of Caribbean Studies (ICS), the nation’s leading Caribbean American advocacy and development organisation, commemorated National Caribbean American Heritage Month, by honouring 30 leaders under the age of 30 years old, as Caribbean change-makers for exemplary work in their field of interest.

Pharmacist Gavin Thomas, disability advocate Vlyssess Edwards, and youth advocate Dwright Ward are the three Guyanese youth, who were among the 30 Caribbean youth recognised as 30 under 30 changemakers for the work they do whether in community service, entrepreneurship, sports leadership, or so forth.

The “30 Under 30” Awards honoured 30 emerging leaders of Caribbean heritage, for their commitment and active engagement: professionally, academically, or personally.

Members of the public were invited to nominate a deserving leader, or one could be self-nominated.

After compiling and judging, the names of the final 30 honourees along with their photos were published on Ignite Caribbean Social Media pages and the Ignite Caribbean website.

You can read their inspiring stories via the Ignite Caribbean website: or on their social media pages.