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Three arrested in murder of sex worker

Mark DaCosta-In a significant development following the tragic murder of transgender sex worker Shawn Simon Hooper, also known as “Coil Bottle,” police have made three arrests in connection with the case. The arrests come as investigators delve deeper into the circumstances surrounding Hooper’s death, which occurred early Thursday morning near the intersection of King Street and South Road, Georgetown.

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that among those detained is a suspect identified as “Shaggy,” who is believed to be the individual responsible for the shooting. The charges against Shaggy and the other suspects are part of an ongoing investigation into the events that led to Hooper’s death.

According to information from the police, Shaggy and another individual were reportedly involved in the incident that ended Hooper’s life. It is alleged that Shaggy was the shooter in the attack. Investigators have been informed that the suspects, including Shaggy, had been out socialising earlier in the evening with two female foreign nationals. After spending time at a city hotel, where they reportedly drank and engaged in sexual activity, the group left in their car to search for food.

During their drive, they encountered Hooper and another sex worker, Unruly Lilawatti, at the King Street and South Road intersection. It was during this encounter that Shaggy allegedly retrieved a firearm from under the driver’s seat and opened fire on the two sex workers. Hooper was found dead at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds, approximately 100 feet away from where the incident occurred.

Following the shooting, Shaggy and the other suspect reportedly went to a different location in the city to purchase food. Meanwhile, the police have recovered nine 9mm shell casings from the crime scene as they continue to piece together the details of the attack.

Unruly Lilawatti, who witnessed the shooting, fled to the Brickdam Police Station to report the incident, while Pretty, another sex worker who was present, later returned to the scene. The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation confirmed Hooper’s death on the spot, and the body was transported to Memorial Gardens for a post-mortem examination.

This case has drawn attention to the dangers faced by the sex worker community in Guyana, highlighting issues of violence and discrimination that are often overlooked. A fellow sex worker has spoken out about the pervasive fear and stigma in their profession, urging for greater protection and empathy from society and authorities.