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This PPP government has been the most corrupt in the country’s history

Dear Editor,
At Babu Jaan President Ali and Vice President
Jagdeo threatened those who are thinking of launching political parties that would most definitely upset the status quo. The official opposition is discredited and can’t win an election, certainly not under the present leadership.
The President and VP know that the PPP will easily defeat the APNU+AFC. Their combined threat is directed against two aspiring leaders of potentially new political movements or parties. Mr. Glenn Lall and Mr. Azarudeen Mohamed are credible figures who could launch successful political parties capable of winning seats, if not the presidency, and holding the balance of power.
Irfaan and Jagdeo know these men are enormously popular, much more than them. People are fed up of Ali, Jagdeo, Norton, and Ramjattan. They want new credible leaders.
Jagdeo is politically deathly afraid of Azarudeen and Glenn as either one can unseat Ali and Jagdeo from their high horses.
Glenn and Azarudeen are generous with their private wealth, assisting the poor and disadvantaged and the working class. They don’t use state wealth to assist people. They don’t depend on state wealth to influence people. And when they control the government, people can be assured that they will not loot the treasury. Others run for office to loot. Glenn and Azar are interested in helping people.
This PPP government has been the most corrupt in the history of country. Jagan must be turning in his grave. Several government functionaries and Ministers, barring Benn, Vindya, and the PM, have been raping the treasury since 2021. The poor and working class are dismissed. They need good leadership.

The public has been appealing to both political neophytes to launch political parties to end the corruption. People are fed up of the lies, broken promises, corruption, favouritism, discrimination that has been part of the political culture since the death of Jagan in 1997. Only Mr. Lall and Mr. Mohamed have the potential to change the politics of the country.

Mr. Lall and Mr. Mohamed should not back down. They should not allow themselves to be intimidated by the threatening remarks of Jagdeo and Irfaan. I hope Mr. Lall and Mr. Mohamed will form separate political party and contest the next general election to be held before August 2025.

They will appeal to separate constituencies. Those who like Azarudeen may not want to support Glenn and vice versa. So it is better they have separate parties. They will win several seats each if not the Presidency and can then collaborate in parliament to end corruption and discrimination. They represent the only hope for the country to experience real development and lift lives of all.

Yours truly,

Nigel Pilgrim