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There was abuse of state institution and Amerindians at PPP Congress- fmr Mayor Narine

At the ruling PPP Congress May 3 to 5, 2024, the party’s flag overwhelmed the national flag of the country at the national convention centre, a state entity. The party’s dozens of flags towered above the lone Guyana flag at the entrance of the convention centre.
Clearly, the PPP signalled that its party is paramount over a state institution. This is an abuse of the use of a state institution and of power. The coercive arm of the state was on display.
This high-handedness is evidence of a creeping dictatorship. Already freedom of expression has been curtailed by the regime. The international diplomats need to take note of the increasing abuse of powers in Guyana since August 2020.
Classic manoeuvres of authoritarianism were on display as the regime seeks to undermine democratic norms. The regime has continuously ignored the opposition and civil society that are helpless in pushing back.
The opposition forces lack resources to oppose authoritarian abuses. At the Congress, the government shared out monthly resources of $40,000 to woo delegates from outside of the city environs to attend the Congress.
Many from far away places, especially from the hinterland, were warned of the consequences, a threat to their monthly $40,000, if they did not attend Congress. They were also instructed on how to vote, who to vote for, and the threat of withdrawal of the $40,000 if they did not vote accordingly.
The indigenous people were used to rig the vote of a PPP Congress as it also happened at the last four PPP Congresses.
In addition to the $40,000, expenses were covered for some 2,000 individuals, among who were 992 Amerindian delegates, who came from far away hinterland locations on fancy Brazilian buses; some of the delegates brought their families for an outing.
They were housed in tents on flat mattresses and floor bags in Georgetown. The country needs to take note that while the PPP leadership and top officials slept in their cosy homes and in hotels, the indigenous people slept on the floor.
Also I must make mention of a private reception held on Tuesday evening May 7 at State House for selected delegates of the PPP Congress, the party leader Jagdeo reported that 14,500 meals were prepared daily over the three days Congress for 2500 delegates and 1800 guests inclusive of family members of delegates from the Hinterland.
Of the boxed meals, two temples were contracted for a total of 200 vegetarian meals. The remaining meals were contracted and catered by the Muslim organisation.
Where is the religious fairness and balance of the PPP in contracting catering services? Ninety eight per cent of PPP catering was provided by a Muslims Organization.
Why weren’t any Christian organizations contracted to provide meals? Why weren’t the contracted funds distributed fairly or equitably among the three major religions and more organizations?
Why was the state house used to host a private reception for a PPP related event? And why was government funds used to host it?
The public should condemn the abuse of state resources – the convention hall and the unemployment grant.
Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA
Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor
City of Georgetown