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Teachers Union Gives Gov’t 48-hours to return to table or face further action

The Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) is not taking Government’s disregard for the Court Agreement lightly and has given the Government 48-hours to return to the table or it will proceed with court action. Tuesday after the Government refused to honour the Agenda the two sides agreed on last Thursday, the Union said it is mulling court action and returning to strike.

The Union in a statement said the Ministry of Education (MOE) has violated the Court validated Agreement and it is another sad day for the people of Guyana when its Government cannot abide by the nation’s laws and decision of its judiciary.

Teachers on strike

The Agreement between the GTU and MOE to begin within talks 48—hours after teachers returned to work (i.e, no later than 6th March), as agreed by parties and validated by the Court, is now under threat.

The teachers’ first effort to engage the employer in good faith, which began Thursday 7th March was disregarded at today’s meeting (12th March) and had led to a stalemate. Unless the MOE returns to the table within 48-hours with a written counter-proposal to the Union’s Proposal for 2019-2023, GTU shall return to the court to enforce the Agreement.

GTU unequivocally refutes the MOE’s statement that the “GTU abandons collective bargaining with MOE again.”The allegation defies logic and reflects the depth to which the Government of Guyana will descend to malign and hurt its citizens.

Our educators could not have been on strike for more than 29 days nor sought the intervention of the court to respect the constitutional right to collective bargaining to walk away when we are at the table. It does not make sense, and if it doesn’t make sense it is not true. We are educators, the moulders of the nation’s minds, not fools.

President of GTU, Mark Lyte

It must be recalled, the Union iterated that on Thursday 7th March when the GTU and MOE the parties accepted and listed for discussion the following:

i. Both GTU and MOE agreed no other individual or party will be added to the negotiating teams.

ii. The GTU placed the undermentioned four financial related matters for discussion:- a. Salary increase 2019-2023,

b. Clothing allowance increases,

c. The 2% different for 2017- 2018,

d. Whitley being paid every 3 years.

iii. Both GTU and MOE agreed at the end of each meeting minutes will be signed by two members of each negotiating team.

iv. The MOE placed on the table for discussion: teacher absenteeism and punctuality, poor performing school, continuous professional education, completion of syllabus.

However, when the parties met on Tuesday as agreed on 7th March, the MOE changed its delegation by replacing the Chief Education Officer, Mr. Saddam Hussain, with the Permanent Secretary, Ms. Shannielle Hoosein Outar. The breach of the agreement occurred by the MOE.

Another breach is the ministry’s refusal to engage on the Union’s proposal that was re-tabled last Thursday to negotiate wages/salaries and working conditions covering the period 2019- 2023.

In August 2020, the GTU submitted a multi-year proposal to the Government of Guyana to begin the process of collective bargaining. Government’s failure to respect the right of workers to collective bargaining, as enshrined in Article 147 of Guyana’s constitution and honour its obligations under Section 23(1) of the Trade Union Recognition Act to treat with the union in good faith, led to the strike that lasted four weeks and a day. Our return to work was premised on the Government’s commitment to negotiate based on the 2019 Proposal.

Coretta McDonald GTU General Secretary

The Union stated that In this moment where the Government has reneged on the 4th March Court ordered Agreement the Union calls on every teacher, every parent, every child and every member of the wider community to continue to watch with us. “For we believe, in the words of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that, ‘the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.’”

GTU said the cause of the teachers remain just and their struggle to be treated with dignity and respect, to earn a livable wage/salary, work under better conditions and ensure an environment conducive to learning is not over.

Aluta continua! the Union signed off in a statement signed by General Secretary Coretta McDonald