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Senior Counsel Forde says alleged sexual violation involving Kissoon and Norton must be investigated 

Senior Counsel Counsel and Member of Parliament Roysdale Forde is calling for an investigation into the allegation of sexual harassment made by People’s National Congress (PNCR) member Vanessa Kissoon against Party Leader Aubrey Norton.

The story came to the public’s attention in a Facebook post by party supporter and former ally of Norton, which he denied.

Wednesday in a recording the Party Leader said the allegation was false and malicious and called on Kissoon to speak out or be accused of complicity with the Facebook post.

Later in the day Kissoon responded via görüntü recording and statement, stating whilst she was denied the right to tell her story, she did face unsolicited sexual advances from Norton, which included reference of a gun.

Vanessa Kissoon

The Member of Parliament, in a statement, issued Thursday said whilst it “most unfortunate” the matter was made public by Egland Gomes, whatever the raison d’etre, Norton must be seen as innocent until proven guilty.

At the same time he cautioned, Kissoon, the alleged victim, must have the benefit of telling her story without being harassed.

The senior counsel said the allegations made by Kissoon in response to Norton’s statement are worthy of investigation and should not be treated lightly.

Accordingly, the seriousness of approach must result in a procedure that facilitates a fair and transparent investigation. To this end the, the senior counsel said “we must judiciously proceed on this grave matter.”

Going further, the parliamentarian made known his obligation to respect the rights of everyone, including the victim and accused, and the course of natural justice.

Touching on the Party’s image, resulting from the scandal, the senior counsel said the party should not allow the prejudices of politics and power to affect its respect for the rule of law, efforts at cohesion within the party, its principles and/or core values as an alternative choice for government.

“Our behaviours must so reflect,” he asserted.

Forde, who is a contender for the PNCR leadership at its 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress due June 28-30, said in the dealing with the issue what must matter most is the integrity with which the Party approach the laws that bind society to do right by each other. “No one must be above being held accountable,” he contended.

Aubrey Norton, Leader of the PNCR, Leader of the Opposition and Chairman APNU

Apparently responding to Norton’s allegation he may be behind Gomes, who is now supporting his campaign, Forde did not decline such support may exist.

However, he made clear he is not responsible for “Gomes’ tactics nor actions which by now the public is aware are driven by his well published daily recitals of disappointment in the Party’s leadership and what he perceives is growing destruction of the party, anti-democratic practices, ineptness in responding to the PPP’s excesses and poor governance.”

The full statement follows:

Statement by Roysdale Forde S.C, M.P. on allegation involving Ms. Vanessa Kissoon and PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton.

The matter of alleged sexual violation involving PNCR member Ms. Vanessa Kissoon and Mr. Aubrey Norton, Party Leader and Leader of the Opposition, made public by Mr. Egland Gomes is most unfortunate.

Whatever the raison d’etre, Mr Norton, I contend, must be seen as innocent until proven guilty. Ms. Kissoon, the alleged victim, must have the benefit of telling her story without being harassed. We must judiciously proceed on this grave matter.

As an officer of the court, I am obligated to respect the rights of everyone, including the victim and accused, and the course of natural justice.

As a party we should not allow the prejudices of politics and power to affect our respect for the rule of law, efforts at cohesion within the party, our principles and/or core values as an alternative choice for government. Our behaviours must so reflect.

The allegations made by Ms. Kissoon in response to Mr. Norton’s statement are worthy of investigation and should not be treated lightly. The seriousness of our approach must result in a procedure that facilitates a fair and transparent investigation.

For no reason must we in the PNCR allow the perception to bear that we are unmindful and insensitive to the devastations and pains which the allegations cause the victim, the accused, and importantly our beloved party, members and supporters.

It is not too late for us to do what is right, not too late to say a kind word as we embrace the principles of social justice irrespective of who are involved, be they of the party or some other group.

What matters most is the integrity with which we approach the laws that bind us to do right by each other. No one must be above being held accountable.

Finally, whereas Mr. Gomes, who formerly supported Mr. Norton, is now apparently supporting my campaign, perhaps more than that of other rivals, it is his right to so do. That being said, I am not responsible for Mr. Gomes’ tactics nor actions which by now the public is aware are driven by his well published daily recitals of disappointment in the Party’s leadership and what he perceives is growing destruction of the party, anti-democratic practices, ineptness in responding to the PPP’s excesses and poor governance.