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“Region 1 is a haven for PPP corrupt activities”; Mervyn Williams calls for the Return of the APNU+AFC to Address the Country’s Challenges and Ensure the Prosperity of its Citizens

Mervyn Williams, speaking at an APNU+AFC press conference following a visit to Region 1 in Guyana, expressed profound frustration with what he described as rampant abuses by the PPP government, particularly in outlying regions.

“Region 1 is a haven for PPP corrupt activities,” Williams asserted. “They believe that citizens are not alert enough and are not vigilant enough, and they hope that the parliamentary opposition will not visit those communities and examine what’s happening. Fortunately for the citizen, it is very, very visible in those communities and is working among the people.”

Williams highlighted specific instances of what he termed mismanagement and neglect by the PPP government, citing examples such as the deterioration of infrastructure and the misuse of public funds. He recounted a particularly egregious case involving the commissioning of a boat for $3.5 million to transport children to school in Port Kaituma. “In 3.5 weeks, the boat was no more,” Williams lamented. “The boat was leaking so profusely, you wonder whether it was not, in fact, a condemned vessel that was being handed over to the people.”

He also criticized the construction of a poultry rearing facility in Fort Kaituma, which allegedly cost $35 million but had no visible signs of operation. Williams emphasized the stark contrast between the progress made under the previous APNU+AFC government, such as the expansion of the Baramita school population to 500 students. Village Voice news was informed that the school is too small for the student population and the students are forced to attend on rotation for 2 days each week.

Furthermore, Williams pointed out discrepancies in the quality of infrastructure projects undertaken by the PPP government, citing examples of roads and wharves constructed by PPP contractors that are already showing signs of collapse and degradation. He highlighted the disparity between the size of warehouse facilities and administrative buildings in Port Kaituma, illustrating what he described as “incompetence” and “absence of vision” on the part of the PPP government.

Williams called for the removal of the People’s Progressive Party from government, advocating for the return of the APNU+AFC to address the country’s challenges and ensure the prosperity of its citizens. He emphasized the importance of building sustainable communities and denounced what he saw as the PPP’s exploitation of public resources for personal gain.