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PPP Rule is characterized by Barbarism, Pettiness, Crudeness, and Vulgarity

Dear Editor,

The PPP government is nothing short of a farce. A parade of inept figures who struggle to string together a coherent sentence, let alone govern a nation. Yet, by the fluke of their majority, they reign supreme. Their rule is characterized by barbarism, pettiness, crudeness, and vulgarity. Child predators roam the corridors of parliament with impunity, a stark testament to the depths of their depravity. A majority commitment to anti-blackness is all that saves them.

Does Irfaan Ali know that he is the laughing stock of the world? He is sitting on a trillion-dollar economy and has absolutely no control over it. Neither does Jagdeo. Exxon reigns supreme in Guyana, while the president fumbles through his speeches with thoughts that are incoherent. There is nothing to cheer about in 2024 Guyana.

Corruption runs in their veins as they pillage every resource belonging to the people, without a hint of remorse. Their failure to fortify governmental institutions will ultimately be their downfall. Guyana will soon become a failed state if nothing changes. Let those who have ears hear.

Only the resolve of the Guyanese people can rescue us from the clutches of the PPP. We await their awakening. Editor, my letter reflects the anguish and desperation that permeates our reality. May tomorrow bring the dawn of change, fueled by the unwavering determination of our people.

J. Peters