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PNCR must not emulate PPP/C farcical congressional elections

Dear Editor,

A recent interview with Dr. David Hinds provided yet another startling revelation of the political disaster the PNC is currently mired in with the leadership of Aubrey Norton. Norton in a desperate effort to explain away his numerous failures and inconsequential tenure as leader of the PNC sought to blame everyone and their favourite aunt for his pathetic performance. He went further demonstrating his penchant for superficial analysis by emphasizing that street protests are a thing of the past, a tacit admission that he lacks any political tools to hold the PPP accountable.

PNCR members and supporters know that it’s time to move on from the PNCR leader, Aubrey Norton. He has demonstrated that he is a poor team player, and has dictatorial tendencies. Although he claims to be a political scientist, his experience and expertise seem more suited for petty personal political attacks rather than about political strategies and policies. Norton’s recent naming of a committee to oversee the party’s congress in which he will participate while sitting as the director of said congress confirms his lack of a sense of fairness and any inherent ability to reject impropriety.

Mr. Norton was elevated to the PNCR leader’s position with great fanfare and expectations. The boast at his elevation was that the PNCR was democratic unlike the Jagdeo led fascist PPPC. Though it wasn’t perfect, the PNCR functioned like a democratic institution before Norton’s elevation. It has a constitution and many functioning organizational systems.

Mr. Norton’s failures may be attributed to his own selfishness. Instead of trying to hold the government accountable while at the same time strengthening the PNCR, Mr. Norton’s efforts were mainly about entrenching his position and making excuses about his failures.

Despite his poor record of accomplishments, it now appears as if Mr. Norton wants to make the PNCR the equivalent of the PPPC. There has been a total breakdown of adherence to the party’s constitution. There is no treasurer. There has been no financial accountability over the last two years. Additionally, the General Secretary has been sidelined. The PNCR Congress was not held within the two years’ time frame.

Mr. Norton’s dictatorial tendencies have now caused serious schisms in the PNCR. Especially among party members in the diaspora who are strong advocates for a democratic PNCR. Their battle cry is “that the PNCR must remain a democratic institution.” The party must not emulate the Jagdeo led PPPC with their farcical Congressional elections.

Aubrey Norton’s response is to announce to have PNCR Congressional elections where he’s the director of the election and also a candidate in those elections. He has even proposed that his lifelong friend and colleague, Vincent Alexander, be the returning officer for those elections. All while cutting the time allowed to party groups to prepare for Congress. Another dictatorial feather in Norton’s dunce cap!

Members and supporters must unite against such corruption and dishonesty. No decent person would propose such a blatant conflict. Jagdeo is not good for Guyana. Aubrey Norton is also not good for the country.

Norton should be retired to Bam Bam Alley. He is now squatting in our national political configuration while clearly way past his expiration date.

Yours truly,

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