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PNCR Executive Member Dr. Gary Best Declines Leadership Nominations, Vows to Focus on Election Victory

by Nicole Telford
PNCR Executive Member Dr. Gary Best, in an invited comment, indicated the following: “I’m most thankful for the nominations by PNCR members for the offices of Party Leader, Party Chairman, and Party Vice Chairman at the upcoming PNCR 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress. To my fellow comrades, I’m humbled and grateful. However, given the monumental bad governance of Guyana by the PPP, I’ll not contest any of these offices at this time. Instead, I’ll focus my energies and talent on returning the APNU+AFC back to office at the next General and Regional Elections.”

It is important to note that prior to the 2011 elections, the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNC/R) conducted its Presidential Primary, which included the participation of Carl Greenidge and former President of Guyana, David Arthur Granger. Sources within the party have informed Village Voice News that a runoff of the Primary is being scheduled to take place between September and November of 2024.