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PNC/R has responsibility to uphold principles of justice and fairness for all

Dear Editor,

The recent allegations made by Ms. Vanessa Kissoon against the leader of the opposition, Mr. Aubrey Norton is a serious concern that deserves careful attention. As a member of the PNC/R party, we have a responsibility to uphold the principles of justice and fairness for all, regardless of political affiliation.

While the claims made by Ms. Kissoon are certainly troubling. We must resist the temptation to rush to judgment. Instead, we should call for a thorough, independent investigation into these allegations. This is the only way to ensure that the truth is brought to light and that any wrongdoing is properly addressed.

If we as a political party fail to allow for a fair and impartial process, we risk doing great harm not only to ourselves but to the women of our country as a whole. We cannot afford to be selective in our pursuit of justice. The disrespect and mistreatment of women must be condemned wherever it arises, whether it’s within our own political party or in the ranks of our political opponents.

It is important to remember that the PPP government has also been accused of similar transgressions, with figures such as Nigel Dharamlall, Anand Persaud, Kwame McCoy, and Bheri Ramsaran facing allegations of misconduct. If the PNC/R fails to address such matters, we are going to give way to PPP member Nigel Dharamlall to be in frontline politics again, which makes us no different from that of the PPP.

We must not allow ourselves to be distracted by partisan politics. Instead, focus on upholding the principles of fairness and accountability for all.

As a political party, we have a responsibility to be a shining example of ethical and principled leadership. I stand with Ms. Kissoon and all the women, daughters, and mothers of our country, to demonstrate our commitment to justice and our refusal to tolerate any form of disrespect or abuse.

I will not subject myself to what is currently happening in my political party.

The path forward is clear, we must call for an independent investigation into the allegations against Mr. Norton and ensure that the truth is brought to light. Only then can we truly claim the moral high ground and continue our fight for a better future for all Guyanese. Justice must prevail not only selectively but for all and at all times.

Yours truly,

Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA

Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor

City of Georgetown