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Party supporters are disillusioned, disappointed and frustrated by the passive voice/strategy

Dear Editor,

The Leader of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) party is defined by how he manages the party, coordinated with the local and regional leaders and MP’s to represent our political constituency. Some folks have opined that my campaign to hold the incumbent PNCR party leader is personal. Yes, it personal from the perspective that the party leader who was a long-standing mentor and confidant who I emulated to represent our ideals and principles to bring public accountability to the corrupt government. A firebrand political scientist who gave his word to hold the installed government accountable and influence progressive politics for all Guyanese.

Two years after joining others to finance and network support for his campaign for the party leadership our party is in disarray. Party supporters are disillusioned, disappointed and frustrated by the passive voice/ strategy of the now incumbent leader to holding the government accountable and rebuilding our party.

We have seen the party decline in its ability to motivate and inspire others to join the movement to hold the government accountable and responsible for the suffering of our citizens. Ever since the PNCR party leader acceded to office Congress Place has become hostile to the wider membership with financial members reportedly barred under the direction of the PNCR party leader Aubrey Norton.

There has been no financial accountability for the party financial resources, the central executive team has failed to provide comprehensive oversight and accountability for the party with no accountability or responsibility for the multiple violations of the party constitution. Some very egregious acts like the now notorious blank cheques scandal which saw the resignation of the party treasurer. No auditor was ever appointed as mandated by the party constitution.

Three party general councils were held over a period of two years, central executive committee meetings sporadically convened without informed executive authority to made decisions on the party, members of parliament engagements and the overall comprehensive consideration of strategies to improve the party’s performance and position in our country. Where are we now and where are we going comrades? The party membership CPU was removed from the office be a paid staffer of the Leader of the Opposition Office with the complicity of the incumbent leader and other actors in Congress Place without accountability.

The PNCR leader promised the party members and supporters that there would be an independent audit of the membership CPU like many other dishonest public statements to our constituency. Immediately upon witnessing a new wave of party supporters’ engagement in North America and Guyana a date was hastily announced for the constitutionally due Biennial Congress with no consideration for financial considerations to hold or convene the congress. Notwithstanding the deceptive public statements that there would be an independent audit of the membership CPU.

Party Supporters, brothers, sisters and comrades what are we doing to the party of Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham if the incumbent leader is not held accountable for his dishonesty, incompetence and deception to our party who gave him the opportunity to demonstrate his integrity, leadership and commitment to our party? Aubrey Norton presents a clear and present existential threat to the People’s National Congress Islahat party’s existence or survival now.

The band of six in Congress Place does not have the people skills, management credentials and competence to build the party’s organisational strength to represent our national security or political interests now. I implore everyone to take careful consideration of the fact that the party membership CPU may be compromised by Aubrey Norton and his paid staffers. Without an independent audit and report the Biennial Congress elections will not be credible and presents a dark future for our democracy.

Compounded with the fact, as an afterthought, the General Secretary Dawn Williams under the incumbent party leader has issued a communication soliciting financial support from the very people who were marginalised, side-lined and disenfranchised, to finance the hastily announced Biennial Conference to be managed by the unilaterally appointed congress committee headed by the party leader. What world does the incumbent leader live in Guyana?

No financial accountability for more than two years! No treasurer, a quite possibly compromised membership CPU without an independent audit or oversight now. Please join the call to hold the PNCR party leader accountable and elect new credible leadership who will represent our constituents now.

Yours truly,

Egland Gomes