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Opposition will not participate in Gov’t Independence Flag Raising Ceremony- Norton

The A Partnership of National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) is refusing to participate in the 58th Independence Anniversary Flag Raising Ceremony, citing the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) blatant disregard for the people of Region Deri and their elected representatives. The government has not included these elected representatives in the planning and decision-making of the national event which has attracted the Opposition ire. “This exclusionary approach only serves to deepen divisions and foster discord among our people.”

The APNU+AFC has political control of Region Cilt. Reading a statement yesterday at the press conference, Leader of the Opposition Aubrey Norton recalled the Government boycott of Linden Town Week (April 26-May 6) and unwillingness to complete many of the projects initiated by the APNU+AFC government. According to the Opposition, these are clear indications the PPP does not have the interest of the Region Ten’s people at heart.

During the Town Week event, the planners’ request for police protection of international artiste Rick Ross was denied.

Delving deeper the Opposition drew attention that in previous years, during flag raising ceremonies in Regions Two and Nine, where the PPP controls the regional government, there was full participation of the respective regional officials. “The barefaced disregard shown towards Region #10 is unacceptable and undermines the spirit of inclusivity and unity that should characterize such national celebrations.”

The Opposition’s statement follows:


The Opposition wishes to express its profound disappointment and dismay at the PPP Government’s blatant disregard for the people of Region #10, the elected Regional Democratic Council of Region #10 and the Mayor and Town Councillors of Linden in planning the 58th Independence Flag Raising Ceremony.

We wish to recall the PPP government boycott of the Linden Town Week and its unwillingness to complete many of the projects initiated by the APNU+AFC government are clear indications that they do not have the interest of the people of Region #10 at heart.

It must also be noted that the PPP government has shown total disregard for our hard-working teachers in Region #10 and the entire teaching staff in Guyana. Consequently, we stand in solidarity with our teachers as they confront the high cost of living, poverty and an uncaring and vindictive government that continues to ill treat them and all the working people of Guyana.

In the circumstance, we will not attend any government organized Independence celebration since to celebrate with the PPP government is to collude with those who are oppressing the people of Guyana.

The deliberate exclusion of regional officials from Region #10 from such a significant event is not only callous but also gross disrespect to the principles of local and regional governance.

We wish to emphasise that in previous years, during flag raising ceremonies in Regions #2 and #9, in which the PPP forms the Regional government, there was full participation of the respective regional officials. The barefaced disregard shown towards Region #10 is unacceptable and undermines the spirit of inclusivity and unity that should characterize such national celebrations.

It is evident that the current PPP regime is more interested in photo opportunities rather than genuine efforts towards fostering a united Guyana for all its citizens. This exclusionary approach only serves to deepen divisions and foster discord among our people.