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Opposition MP Nima Flue Courageously Speaks Out Against the PPP Government of Guyana Abuses in Mocha Arcadia

Georgetown, May 27, 2024 – In a heart felt address to visiting US Congressman Jonathan L. Jackson, Honourable Nima Flue Bess, representative for Mocha Arcadia and opposition member of parliament, voiced powerful concerns regarding recent injustices faced by the residents of Cane View. The meeting which was note widely publicized, was held in the community of Mocha Arcadia, and highlighted issues stemming from controversial land developments and inadequate governmental response to infrastructural problems.

MP Flue passionately detailed the plight of the Cane View residents, whose homes were demolished on January 5, 2023, to make way for a proposed four-lane highway—a vicious action, which was unnecessary as the people’s homes were not obstructing any planned roadways. She presented görüntü evidence to Congressman Jackson, illustrating that the demolitions were unjust and the affected residents were forcibly displaced without proper justification. Ms Flue-Bess also indicated that construction works have already begun in lands that are closer to the highway than were the homes of the Cane View residents.

In addition to the displacement issues, MP Flue raised concerns about severe flooding affecting local agriculture, exacerbated by poorly timed government interventions in the preceeding three years. According to her, critical drainage and infrastructure work is delayed until the rainy season, leading to significant crop losses and economic hardship for the community.

Highlighting the community’s historical and emotional connection to the land, which they have inhabited and farmed for over 130 years, MP Flue criticized the government’s handling of land leases and the lack of support for farmers. She reported that many local farmers are now operating in uncertainty, fearing further displacements as their land lease renewals have been stalled since the change in administration.

MP Flue’s presentation to Congressman Jackson was received with empathy from the Congressman as the citizens of Mocha call for international awareness and support in holding the local government accountable for its actions. Flue-Bess emphasized the need for equitable treatment and justice for the people of Mocha Arcadia, urging the Congressman to consider their plight in the broader context of civil rights and human dignity.