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Opposition Leader Norton meets Carter Center

Tuesday 25th June 2024, the Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton MP met with a team from the Carter Center at his Congress Place, Sophia office. He was accompanied by Vice Chairman of the PNCR, Mr. Vinceroy Jordan, MP; Mr. Ganesh Mahipaul, MP and CEC Member Mr. Mervyn Williams.
The team from The Carter Center composed of Senior Electoral Advisor Carlos Valenzuela, Political Advisor Nicholas Jahr, and Democracy Program Associate Director Brett Lacy.
The Carter Center has deployed a pre-election assessment mission to Guyana to explore the current electoral and political environment and hope to better understand the status of resolution of complaints from the 2020 elections, discussion around electoral and constitutional ıslahat, status of preparations for elections, and the extent to which The Carter Center would be welcome by all major political actors.