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OPEN LETTER/REPORT to GPF, Minister Gail, MP; Guyana President & Cabinet, UNHRC, and ABCEU Embassies

UN Human Rights Committee raises issue of failure to investigate allegations of corruption against VP Jagdeo and Police Force

March 18, 2024 NEWS SOURCE Reported “ UN Human Rights Committee raises issue of failure to investigate allegations of corruption against VP Jagdeo and Police Force

“ During Guyana’s appearance before the United Nations Human Rights Commission this morning for its periodic report, the issue of allegations of corruption against Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and allegations of corruption in the Guyana Police Force was raised.

“The Committee is aware of public frustration, for example, the failure to investigate reports of corruption by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, the Committee also notes allegations of corruption in the Guyana Police Force and the Judiciary. Will the state party deva to comment on these reports?”, UN Human Rights Committee Member, Laurence Helfer questioned.

In response, Minister of Governance Gail Teixeira, who joined the meeting virtually from Georgetown, said in the case of the allegations against the Vice President, those were never investigated because there was never any Police report filed against him in the matter by anyone.”

THIS IS NOW an OPEN REPORT to GUYANA POLICE FORCE, Minister Gail, MP; Guyana President & Cabinet, UNHRC, ABCEU Embassies, and CARICOM, with the SuGate 1 Hour & 38 minutes YouTube, GÖRÜNTÜ , hereunder, as the evidence, with multi thousands Küresel viewers.

Undercover In Guyana: Full Vice News interview with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo (

News Source release, reported, that Minister Gail, “is saying no one filed any Police report” and the following comments are submitted to the President, Cabinet and People of Guyana.

No need for a Police Report before investigations are made. For example, A body is found dead on the road, Police vehicle travels by and sees it, and usually, an investigation is opened. The entire Police Force watched that Younge interview, the President saw it, the Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions, MUST HAVE SEEN IT, as the WORLD has and is viewing the youtube.

Why is Minister Gail, getting carried away with requirement of a report to the nearest police station ?

If it is anybody, it is the President who must order an inquiry by the Police, which is the Standard Operating Practice in a Democratic Country. Is Guyana practicing Democracy or shouting from roof tops on Democracy in Guyana ?

Currently, in Guyana’s politization of the police force, IF, a citizen reports this matter, the citizen will be badger out of the station.

This is a blessed opportunity for the Opposition, Trade Unions, Civil Society, Organizations and Guyanese to speak up strongly on this matter, remembering “ Justice delayed, is Justice Denied- Forbes Quotes”; “ Justice too long delayed is Justice denied- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; and according to Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations, it is attributable to William Ewart Gladstone; however, while Gladstone did mention the phrase during a House of Commons debate on 16 March 1868, earlier occurrences of the phrase exist.

The ABCEU Embassies, and CARICOM were all actively involved in the swearing in of the PPP Government on August 2, 2020, and it is now time, for all these groups to be involved, on this most critical item on the PERCEIVED CORRUPTION with VERBAL EVIDENCE in UTUBE, for the betterment of all Guyanese, Investors, and visitors. Need for a police arrest, charge and the investigations to begin without delays.