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OLMAC Medical Hub: A New Era of Healthcare Innovation in Guyana by Guyanese

Michelle Ann Joseph- It was a two-and-a-half-year journey to opening his state-of-the arka medical facility but for Dr. Phillip McPherson the wait was worth it. Two Mondays ago, May 13, 2024, Dr. McPherson officially opened the doors to his facility, OLMAC Medical Hub at 43 Vreed-en-Hoop, New Road, West Bank Demerara. This medical facility, modelled after the Brookdale Hospital Medical Centre in Brooklyn, NY, has ushered in a new era of healthcare innovation in Guyana by Guyanese.

The aim of the business is to serve the community through enhanced health deva service delivery. OLMAC Medical Hub will offer dialysis treatments, urgent deva, podiatry, radiology, dental deva, among other services. These services will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Dr. McPherson’s daughter, Ms. Ayana McPherson, doing the welcoming remarks, said the realisation of the facility is part of her father’s lifelong dedication to medicine.

His colleague, Dr. DeSouza, former Chairwoman of a Brooklyn Hospital, spoke glowingly of the doctor’s vision and realisation of his dream. She praised his quiet strength, resilience, sense of community, generosity, and hospitable nature, which she noted were key to his success.

Dr. Frank Anthony, Minister of Health, also spoke at the event, expressing his pleasure in opening the health facility and reaffirming the support of the Ministry of Health. He conveyed compliments from President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali and highlighted the positive impact of retaining medical expertise in the country, describing it as a “brain gain.”

Speaking of his experience, Dr. McPherson addressed commitment to giving back to society, emotionally thanking everyone for their support. He shared his motivations for helping the people of Guyana, starting with sourcing dialysis machines, with significant support from the Ministry of Health.

OLMAC Medical Hub, Vreed-en-Hoop

He also recounted the challenges faced during the nearly two-and-a-half-year journey to complete the facility, not forgetting to mention his first venture in Guyana, the Dialysis Centre, and acknowledging Lenny Fernandes and Olive Sinclair as top dialysis personnel.

Approximately 100 persons, including family, well-wishers and government officials, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The Sunday prior, Dr. McPherson hosted a reception at the site and to the soothing sounds of steel pan music, alongside delicious food and beverages, persons participated in the celebration, shared anecdotes, and offered well-wished. Medical professionals from the United States travelled to Guyana to participate in this historic event.

Dr. McPherson’s colleague, Dr. DeSouza, former Chairwoman of a Brooklyn Hospital, spoke glowingly of the doctor’s vision and realisation of his dream. She praised his quiet strength, resilience, sense of community, generosity, and hospitable nature, which she noted were key to his success.

OLMAC Medical Hub

Dr. Frank Anthony, Minister of Health, also spoke at the event, expressing his pleasure in opening the health facility and reaffirming the support of the Ministry of Health. He conveyed compliments from President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali and highlighted the positive impact of retaining medical expertise in the country, describing it as a “brain gain.”

Dr. Anthony commended Dr. McPherson’s pioneering efforts in healthcare, emphasizing the significance of his investment and the broader benefits it brings to the community. He also noted the facility’s commitment to patient education, mentioning that doctors from the United States would rotate monthly.

When the time came for Dr. McPherson to speak and offer thank you, he proudly recounted his journey that led to opening of the facility. The doctor spoke about his commitment to giving back to society, his motivations for helping the people of Guyana, starting with sourcing dialysis machines, with significant support from the Ministry of Health.

And in thanking those present and who were part of the journey with him, he also recounted the challenges faced during the nearly two-and-a-half-year journey to complete the facility, not forgetting to mention his first venture in Guyana, the Dialysis Centre, and acknowledging Lenny Fernandes and Olive Sinclair as top dialysis personnel.

The event was a proud and humbling experience, showcasing Dr. McPherson’s journey from a modest upbringing in Eldorado, West Coast Berbice, to becoming a pioneer in the U.S. medical field and ultimately giving back to his home country. His vision and dedication have now become a reality, profoundly impacting healthcare in Guyana.