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Not an attack on GAWU’s achievements-GTU President Dr. Mark Lyte

Below is a response to the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) by President Lyte

I wish to respond to GAWU’s article [“GTU President engaged in deception”] carried on its website that the GAWU’s accusations against Dr. Mark Lyte, President of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), are unfounded and misconstrue the intent of my statements/remarks at the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) forum on June 15, 2024, were not an attack on GAWU’s achievements but a critique of the broader systemic issues impacting unions differently.

GTU President Dr. Mark Lyte

Highlighting that GAWU signed twelve collective agreements in 2023 was not to undermine GAWU’s success but to emphasize the disparity in bargaining conditions across sectors. The president of GAWU on Labour Day 2024 loudly stated that he was successful in signing twelve collective labour agreements in one year. I am mühlet there is no other labor union in Guyana that can make such a statement.

I have consistently advocated for fairness and solidarity among all unions. GAWU’s efforts are acknowledged however there is a carrion call for a united front in addressing the challenges faced by workers in various industries. The GTU has a history of supporting collective bargaining and standing in solidarity with other unions, even if it was not always vocal in specific instances highlighted by GAWU.

Instead of viewing my comments as deceptive, GAWU should see them as a call for greater unity and cooperation. Both unions share the common goal of improving workers’ rights and conditions. Constructive dialogue and mutual support are essential in advancing these objectives, rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.

I call on the leadership of GAWU to act more responsibly in releasing articles that are unfounded, baseless, and self-serving. The number of strikes initiated by the workers you represent is a clear indication that all is not well with the employees of GUYSUCO. It is time we hold government/governments accountable by joining hands to ensure equal rights and justice are meted out to every employee of the public and private sector.

Dr. Mark Lyte

President, GTU

GAWU’S article