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My TENURE in KUWAIT” REVIEW, by JEROME BULKAN, AA, MBA, Visionary, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist; and 4 Comments

NOTE: Our Honor, Delight and Appreciation to SERVE ALL IN GUYANA, with the GRACIOUS APPOINTMENTS by His Excellency Brigadier David Arthur Granger, MSM, MSS, 9th EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT of GUYANA; Hon. Carl Barrington Greenidge, MA, MPhil (Economics), MINISTER of FOREIGN AFFAIRS; Hon. Winston DaCosta Jordan, MS (Economics), MINISTER of FINANCE: and Hon. Dominic Gaskin, MINISTER of BUSINESS.

Author Dr. Shamir Ally’s Book GOAL: SERVANT LEADERSHIP in PRACTICE, for KÜRESEL READERS to LEARN and MASTER the Requirements to accomplish OUTCOMES & DELIVERABLES, FASTER, with KNOWLEDGE Shared in the BOOK, written in TUTORIAL STYLE.

The Author, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, Corporate Controller, Chief Accounting Officer, and Chief Financial Officer, at Electronics Manufacturing Corporations in New York and Pennsylvania, with AMEX, NYSE, and NASDAQ Public Corporations listed CSuite Executive, Professor, Philanthropist, Servant Leader, Motivational Speaker, Ambassador and Author. He earned BBA, MBA, and Ph.D. Degrees in the USA. Visted 80 Countries on 5 Continents, 45 of 50 USA States; and 11 USA Presidential Libraries.

Author’s KÜRESEL experiences are in International Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Management, Strategic Management, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Small & Medium Size Enterprises, Servant Leadership, Not-For-Profit University, Education and Government, in the following (16) Manufacturing Industries & Services, Electronics, Apparel, Printing & Packaging, Insurance, Financing, Lotteries, Pharmaceuticals, Sugar, Rice, Spices, Gold, Diamonds, Accounting, Auditing & Consulting Services, Universities and Diplomacy.

BOOK REVIEWER, Guyana Patriot, Mr. Jerome Bulkan, AA, MBA (Marketing & Finance). CEO-Founder, Eurosign Metalwerke, Inc Government Solutions & Public Safety. MARKETING GROUP LEADER in Florida. Founder, Custom License Plates. Vice- Chairman, Jerome Bulkan, PEOPLE’S National Congress Islahat (PNCR) Florida Chapter of the North American Region (NAR). HOLLYWOOD enamored with Guyanese-owned LICENSE PLATE COMPANY.

US-based businessman Jerome Bulkan has always been involved in humanitarian work, and for him it was not just about helping children in orphanages. He has also focused on enhancing technology programs of educational facilities in Guyana. It was those actions and many more that saw him being awarded the Golden Arrow of Achievement.

“Bulkan’s professional training is centered in the areas of risk management, küresel manufacturing, project management, product branding and ecommerce.”

“Asked to talk about himself, Bulkan, though he indicated it was difficult to do so, described himself as someone who always tries to maintain integrity since that was what his parents instilled in him.”

“Two of my passions include education and the promotion of democracy. I have made contributions to several educational facilities to enhance their technology programs. Over the years I have commissioned consultant reports in areas necessary for Guyana’s human and economic development,” he further shared.

He said since his days in Guyana, he developed an entrepreneurial mindset and tries to unlock value overlooked by the market. For Bulkan Guyana’s best days are still ahead, and she has the potential to become a first world country in one generation.

“Guyana has rich natural resources, a relatively untouched hinterland and a large percentage of young people who are seeking skillsets at all levels to elevate themselves,” he said. He added that the country has a rich culture and diversity of people, cuisines, and religions which, if melded together, can take Guyana to new heights in the developmental scale.”

“And the recruitment of local Guyanese, and Guyanese in the diaspora in all fields with proven records of success along with integrity, is an important factor to enable Guyana to achieve meaningful economic and social development.”

“After A-levels his first full time job was with Air Services Limited at Öğlen airport and after extensive training he rose to the position of Operations Manager.

In those days Air Services was one of the few air charter operations in Guyana and it had an extensive client list that included the major embassies, the World Bank, the United Nations, and international corporations like Bridgestone Tire. As a result, Bulkan said he was fortunate enough to be exposed to a wide variety of clientele and learned quickly how to meet the needs of these diverse and prominent clients.”

BOOK REVIEW by JEROME BULKAN on AMAZON, Paperback, eBook & Hardcover: 403 Pages with Pictures in COLOR.

Photo: DIPLOMATIC Car Plate SPECIALLY DESIGNED for BOOK COVER, with the Compliments of Brother Jerome Bulkan. An Example of Jerome’s VISIONARY IDEA to DESIGN, PRODUCTION and EXECUTION.

April 22, 2024, Confirmation, at USA LIBRARY of CONGRESS Control Number 20235256


BOOK: “My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador in Kuwait with Lessons in Diplomacy: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East.”

Many Career Diplomats are ill suited for their overseas posts. Americans have witnessed diplomatic failures because decision makers were ill-advised by clueless career diplomats from their various posts.

Academic-trained diplomats get the macro picture but fail to understand the micro picture and the nuances of the culture in their post country. Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally’s book: My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait and Lessons in Diplomacy: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East is a must-read for seasoned diplomats and students studying to enter the realm of Foreign Affairs.

Dr. Ally’s background was nurtured in his early formative years by his interactions with highest echelons of British Guiana’s political decisionmakers like Prime Minister Forbes Burnham and British Governor Sir Richard Luyt – while he was a lead accountant at the English conglomerate, Bookers Group. After moving to the United States, Dr. Ally engaged in university level academia and was an experienced Internal Revenue Service agent.

These combined experiences with his acute interest in understanding various cultures molded Dr. Ally’s persona to succeed to represent Guyana as its Ambassador in Kuwait. Ambassador Ally was lucky to be supported by his American-Born wife, Dr. Maryanne Beebe Ally in his quest to promote Guyana to the State of Kuwait and also the GCC Countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain & Qatar).

His wife Dr. Maryanne Beebe Ally (please read her book Friendship is the Gift available on With Amazon:,

they worked tirelessly to promote Guyana and (the United States) in Kuwait.

The reader of both Ambassador Shamir Ally’s and Dr. Maryanne Beebe Ally’s books will derive an insight on relationship-building among people of different cultures and in the both Ambassador Andrew Ally and his with Dr. Maryanne Beebe Ally and many other dignitaries/diplomats from the GCC countries and around the world were generous and heartwarming end, bringing countries closer. The accolades from the ruling Royal Family of Kuwait towards

Shamir Ally’s book: a The gestures of respect towards Ambassador Shamir Ally and Dr. Maryanne Beebe Ally were tremendous and personal. American, Western and Developing countries diplomats can learn from Ambassador must-read before they get to their foreign posts.

Universities and State Diplomatic schools should add this book to their required-reading list. The old textbooks on diplomacy must be supplemented with Ambassador Shamir Ally’s Treatise: My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait and Lessons in Diplomacy: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East.

The accolades by Royal Family members, Diplomats and other Dignitaries contained in this book overwhelmingly support the caption: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East.”

Photo: 17 May 1966. Farewell Reception at British Guiana State House. Shamir & Group with Last Governor General of British Guiana Sir Richard Luyt. L to R. Sir Richard, John Sawh USAID; Cecil Ramsingh, MIRROR Newspapers; Peter DeFreitas, CENTRAL GARAGE and Shamir Ally, Admin Assistant to H.B Gajraj & R B Gajraj.

On May 26, 1966, Shamir Ally, attended the ceremony and saw the GOLDEN ARROWHEAD RAISED for GUYANA for the FIRST TIME, serving as Administrative Assistant to Lord Mayor of Georgetown, Speaker of Parliament, and MD/CEO H.B. Gajraj, His Excellency Rahman Bacchus Gajraj, CBE.

Photo: RIGHT with His Excellency PRESIDENT ARTHUR CHUNG; and Left with His Excellency Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, Esq., SC, OE.

February 7, 1974. Indian High Commission RECEPTION for NEHRU Exhibition at City Hall, Georgetown, GUYANA. R to L. USA Ambassador Max Krebs, Canadian High Commissioner John Styles, PM HE Linden Forbes Sampson

Burnham, Esq, SC, OE, and Shamir Ally.

CHAPTER 7: 163 Acknowledgements from Ruling Families, 37 Ambassadors in my circle and back channels from 108 Countries, Colleagues, with bilateral and multilateral outcomes.

# 4 Kuwait Ruling Family, Her Excellency Sheikha Rasha Naif J. Al-Sabah, “H.E. Prof. Dr. Shamir Ally, former Ambassador of Guyana to Kuwait and his esteemed wife Dr. Maryann Beebe Ally, have been true friends of Kuwait ever since Dr. Shamir started his tenure as Ambassador of Guyana to Kuwait, and getting to know closely the culture and people of Kuwait.

I first met his excellency in my capacity as head of the National Library of Kuwait. On behalf of the Embassy of Guyana, Dr. Shamir was so kind as to gift the National Library several publications about Guyana. A valuable addition to the Library’s book collections and a great introduction to the beautiful country of Guyana and its culture for the readers in Kuwait

Dr. Shamir was among the most active and social ambassadors during that time, supported by the accomplished Dr. Maryann, with her striking and composed presence.

Although Dr. Shamir has left Kuwait, I think that Kuwait has never left him.

There is much in common between Kuwait and Guyana, and thanks to the incredible work that Dr. Shamir has done during his time in Kuwait as Ambassador of Guyana, which the pages of this book clearly illustrate, our countries are closer than ever before in all fields. All the best to you, our friends, Excellency Professor Dr. Shamir Ally, and Dr. Maryann Beebe Ally. I congratulate you on your new book. A testament to the special relationship between Guyana and Kuwait. Until we meet again Insha’Allah.”

# 5: Kuwait, Ambassador Dr. Abdulla Yacoub Bishara MBE, KUWAIT.” Past Kuwaiti Ambassador to United Nations for 10 years; Past Chairman of United Nations Security Council; and First Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) with 6 Countries, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, “To my friends Dr. Maryann and Dr. Shamir. Thank you for your message of friendship and good wishes. We missed your presence and your magnetic power in mobilizing diplomats to our luncheon and the community. All in disarray without you, I miss your role as the Mayor of Kuwait Diplomats, and I am sorry that your expertise will not be used by your new Government.

I missed you very much as a friend and advisor on the affairs of the diplomatic group and

without you I am unaware of changes in the group who left and or promoted or resigned

to live in the gulf. We finished Ramadan at which Kuwaiti diwaniya thrives and to which.

every ambassador goes I see extremely limited and few Africans. Guyana politics is absent.

from our life and its diplomacy is Latino oriented with low profile. We think of you as

dear friends and honest representatives of our gulf and familiar with our mood and ethos.

I salute you for the years spent in Kuwait as Ambassador of Guyana, in which you.

conveyed the soul of your country in its purity, with its ethos, naturalness, its elegance,

and undoubtedly the Kuwait liked the erudition that characterized your activities and

admired your style in presenting the meaning of Guyana and what it stands for in values.

and ambitions. Thank you and your sophisticated wife for you both, implanted the

meaning of Guyana in Kuwait soil. We miss you and no doubt whoever comes after you.

will benefit from your heritage. Best wishes on your memoir which will be very.

successful in the Western and Arab worlds. Nothing can compensate for your role as the dynamic diplomat encouraged by a distinguished wife so you left a vacuum only giants could fill in; we miss you both good luck.”

Photos: Right : # 5: Kuwait, Ambassador Dr. Abdulla Yacoub Bishara MBE, KUWAIT.” Past Kuwaiti Ambassador to United Nations for 10 years; Past Chairman of United Nations Security Council; and First Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) with 6 Countries, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. LEFT # 4 Kuwait Ruling Family, Her Excellency Sheikha Rasha Naif J. Al-Sabah.

# 6: Kuwait, Yousef A. Al-Bader, Chairman, Al-Bader International Development Co. WWL. Group of Companies, “I have never seen any Diplomat as active, popular, and academically informed as you were. I will always remember our strong ties with you during your time in Kuwait. We feel your strong presence here was full of achievements, and through your persistence and personal vision, along with Dr. Maryann Beebe, organized many remarkable events which gave a wide exposure of Guyana. We wish you the absolute best in all your endeavors.”

# 7: Kuwait, Airplane Capt. Abdullah Ali Bastaki, President & CEO (ABC) Aviation Business Consulting & Aviation Projects Startups, “I have met H E Ambassador Prof. Dr. Shamir A. Ally, Ph.D., of Guyana who served his country in Kuwait. Talking about his past achievements, which are well documented, speaks for itself. But I have noticed how he has managed to introduce his country to the Kuwait society by his skilled communication, strengthen the relationship between Guyana and Kuwait, even managed to introduce his country to another foreign countries by his role as an Ambassador in Kuwait. He has planted the seeds of good memories, brought his country much closer to the Kuwaitis, I am one of them. crossing vast area of oceans and lands, the most important, based on my various discussion with H E Dr. Shamir, and the research I have conducted, my interest to visit Guyana and encourage other Kuwait investors to visit and seek opportunities has been growing every day.

Photo LEFT # 1, Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, FOREIGN MINISTER:

Photo: MIDDLE # 2, Dr Mohammad Al-Fadhel, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs; Minister of Oil, Electricity and Water 2018-2020 including OPEC; Director General Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, (KFAS) and Director Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) to August 2025.

PHOTO: RIGHT # 3: Sheikh Duaij Jaber Al Ali Al Sabah Esq. at Guyana Embassy.

Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally’s DISSERTATION.

UMI/ProQuest Dissertation Services # 9536768: August 1994 Dissertation “Preparing CARICOM for the Twenty-First Century Through Regional Economic Integration.” Qualitative Research. 373 Pages. As of April 11, 2023, there were 276 ACTIVITY SALES for his PhD. Dissertation, from ProQuest, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Dr. Shamir’s 3 KEYS, Daily Routines, BLESSINGS, and GUIDES.

  • Blessed with Fantastic Good HEALTH; 1 hour DAILY on the treadmill for 4 miles; and DINNER Plate 1/3 Shrimp OR Fish; 1/3 spoonful of rice & VEGETABLES; and 1/3 FRUITS. Whole life surrounded by SMARTER WOMEN and MEN.
  • Enough FINANCIAL RESOURSES for MANY LIVES, only an AIRCRAFT is missing. BUT, During 1993 whilst flying over the Long Island Sound, New York, BOTH aircraft DOORS FLEW OPEN, took that as a SIGN, and all FLYING EQUIPMENT were placed in a DRAWER for 7 YEARS, then donated to a POOR AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDENT studying to be a PILOT. He became a CAPTAIN with American Airlines 737-800 Boeing Aircraft.
  • To Work with Honor NOT for Honour, knowing that SERVICE to HUMANITY is the BEST WORK of LIFE, through SERVANT LEADERSHIP.

Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.