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MP Walton-Desir plans to run for PNCR top positions if nominated

The People’s National Congress Islahat announced last Friday that its 22nd Biennial Congress is scheduled for June-28-30, 2024. After that announcement was made the Party’s Member of Parliament (MP) Amanza Walton-Desir took her Facebook to announce her availability, under the headline “Walton-Desir ready to accept nominations for top PNC Islahat positions.”

Long suspected to be in the run, Walton-Desir has dodged answering the question for some time. Asked recently on the Norman Browne’s online ‘Voice of the Diaspora” whether she would run, the MP said she does not want to be “presumptuous” in making any announcement before nomination is announced.

On Friday, Walton-Desir said “Yes.”

In a short message on her page the MP said “The short answer is yes-once nominated I will run. A number of groups have reached out to me asking me to consider running, and then I have responded to them today [Friday, May 17, 2024], in the affirmative now that we know we will be having a congress at the end of June.”

In February incumbent Leader Aubrey Norton M.P said he will be contesting the post again. In March, Roysdale Forde S.C, M.P announced his intent to run for the top post. Member of Parliament Ganesh Mahipaul, when asked the question at a party press conference said if he is nominated, he will think about it, making known he has what it takes to run for the top post.

The Party has not yet begun the nomination process.