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Members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Appointment

Dear Chair and Committee Members,

As we approach June 30th, 2024, it will have been precisely one year since the completion of the youth cluster elections for representatives to the Rights of the Child Commission. Regrettably, we have yet to receive any communication regarding the subsequent steps necessary to finalize this important process.

During the sensitization session held on May 15th, 2023, we were reminded of the significant constitutional mandate which caters to the establishment and construct of the Rights of the Child Commission. We were emphatically urged to expedite our cluster nominations and elections to facilitate the timely conclusion of the appointments process by the Committee.

Nearly a year has passed since our cluster fulfilled its responsibilities and submitted the final report. The lack of communication since then is deeply troubling. It implies a concerning disregard for concluding this critical constitutional process, particularly in light of the perceived attempts to influence outcomes by various government representatives and aligned organizations

who are part of the cluster.

I urge the members of the Committee on Appointments to approach this matter with the requisite respect, professionalism and seriousness it demands, in accordance with our constitutional framework. It is crucial that civil society organizations are not merely token participants but are genuinely respected as integral to ensuring good governance and the fair conduct of constitutional procedures.

In conclusion, I implore this esteemed committee not to undermine the rights of civil society organizations to engage fully in this constitutional process. Let us uphold the principles of fairness and transparency that our constitution demands. May wisdom guide your deliberations and fairness be the outcome.


Clayon F. Halley

Youth Cluster Coordinator

Rights of the Child Comission