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Master Kit

There is the colloquial saying which states, “No one throws stones at a fruitless mango tree.” In fact, this proverb is no more apt than with the multidirectional attacks, Nigel Hughes has endured since he has been elected Leader of the AFC.

And as would be expected, the usual suspects throwing stones, include the senior geriatric, Master Kit Nascimento. However, even as Master Kit throws stones, much and many things have transpired in these 83000sq miles, under this incompetent PPP. But with Master Kit burdened with selective mutism, presbycusis, macular degeneration and vocal cord palsy, meant he kept an expressionless countenance, despite these multitudinous PPP catastrophes.

For we can recall, down to PPP incompetence, many schools were reduced to crematorium ashes, but poor Master Kit afflicted with vocal cord palsy, struggled to articulate a view. Then there were the unfortunate cases of twenty children burnt to death, as a result of PPP gross negligence, but Master Kit was struggling with macular degeneration, hence being in the dark, couldn’t express his disgust. Thereafter, ashes from the twenty smouldering bodies were utilised by PPP Councillors, to fill the swimming pool size potholes, but Master Kit burdened with severe tongue-tie, couldn’t vocalise his astonishment with any clarity.

Soon after, there was the alleged rape and sodomy of a 16yr old school child, by the sitting PPP Minister Nigel Dharamlall. But of this grotesque allegation, poor Master Kit was in such a state of senseless senescent somnolence, that he struggled to articulate his grave condemnation. Moreover, the very Dharamlall who apparently struggles to keep it zipped, allegedly brutally sexually assaulted another woman, however Master Kit was burdened by selective mutism, hence couldn’t deliver a caustic castigation.

But even as Master Kit kept his tongue and thoughts to himself, as it pertains to PPP criminalities, the Americans were investigating a gold smuggling, bribery and tax evasion ring. And with the Americans’ evidence stacking taller than the Pacaraima Mountain, they alleged that for a period of 4yrs, Mohamed’s Enterprise omitted more than 10,000kg of gold declarations, avoiding paying more than US$50M in duty taxes to the Guyana Government.

In fact, as alleged by the Americans, this criminality was facilitated by the bribing of PPP Government Officials, inclusive of Permanent Secretary Thomas. Thus, stemming from this 30-month investigation, The PPP affiliated Mohameds, and their associated businesses along with Permanent Secretary Thomas, were all sanctioned, with significant implications to our security and financial sectors.

And with such implications to our security and financial sectors, the nation held their collective breath, anticipating that Master Kit, the pantheon of all wisdom, would’ve voiced his grave concern. But Master Kit, as usual on matters of PPP, remained speechless, as someone deafened to the world, burdened by presbycusis. However, to the overwhelming dismay of the nation, Master Kit demeanour evidenced a drastic change, with the coronation of Nigel Hughes, as AFC Leader.

In fact, this nationally televised coronation, saw a restoration of Master Kit’s Luciano Pavarotti voice, such that he eloquently argued, Nigel Hughes has disqualified himself from contesting for the Presidency, at the forthcoming Elections, by virtue of counting ExxonMobil Guyana Limited (EMGL) as a client.

However, the reality is, EMGL couldn’t pose a conflict of interest with Nigel Hughes’ new political role, since he has no influence in the installed government of the day. Further, as asserted by Hughes, there are no yasal framework prohibiting him from maintaining EMGL as a client while leading the AFC. Therefore, the conclusion arrived at is, there are no political or kanunî impediments, precluding Nigel Hughes from having EMGL as a client, whilst serving as leader of the AFC. Which means, rather than inserting himself into this matter, Master Kit with his selective mutism, presbycusis, vocal cord palsy and macular degeneration, would’ve been better served sitting in a corner, sucking mints.