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Massive Corruption Allegations Rock Guyana Police Force, Senior Officers Rotated Amid Scandal

The Guyana Police Force is embroiled in a massive corruption scandal leading to the ‘rotation’ of senior officers. Allegations have surfaced implicating top officials in financial improprieties, bribery, and misuse of power, prompting significant reshuffles within the force.

International Political Commentator Rickford Burke reported that an Assistant Commissioner, acting as Deputy Commissioner, is under investigation for allegedly purchasing a Georgetown property for $58 million in cash. The property, located near Albert Street and 5th Street in Alberttown, was allegedly bought with laundered money. The same officer allegedly attempted to launder millions through the Police Credit Union but was blocked and retaliated by transferring the officer who denied the transaction.

Further allegations indicate that Guyana’s Police Commissioner and a Deputy Commissioner are under investigation by the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) for corruption and financial irregularities. SOCU recently raided the Administration offices at Police Headquarters, Meskene Leary, Georgetown, seizing documents related to the investigation. Reports also suggest that two senior officers are under scrutiny in the US for corruption ties to former Home Affairs Permanent Secretary May Thomas, sanctioned by the US government, and links to Shell and Azruddin Mohamed, also sanctioned by the US.

One officer allegedly issued gun licenses in exchange for bribes of $1.5 million per license. The Assistant Commissioner for Operations, Ravindradat Budhram, has been reassigned to head Force Administration, while Calvin Brutus, previously in charge of Administration, now heads Special Branch. Errol Watts, former head of Special Branch, has been transferred to oversee Police Operations.

The Guyana Police Force issued a statement framing these changes as part of a modernization plan to foster efficiency. However, the force has been silent on the corruption investigation details and the transfers. They denied social media claims that the Police Commissioner and another senior officer were sent home, labeling the reports as misleading and fake.

Travis Chase from HGP Nightly News confirmed the reshuffles, attributing them to SOCU’s investigation into financial irregularities. SOCU’s visit to the Administrative office on Thursday led to the confiscation of several documents. Reports also claim that two senior officers are being investigated for operating businesses within the Police Headquarters.

The allegations have sparked public outrage, with some accusing the government of protecting its loyalists. As the investigation continues, the public awaits further revelations on the depth of corruption within the Guyana Police Force and the potential implications for the country’s law enforcement integrity.