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Maintenance and upkeep of schools fall strictly to the Regional Democratic Councils

Dear Editor,

Having served in Parliament for the last 4 years, by now Mr. Devin Sears must know that responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of schools in Region Deri, and indeed all regions across Guyana, fall strictly to the Regional Democratic Council.

If he doesn’t know that he should offer his resignation from the Assembly forthwith. This Regional Democratic Council, Region 10 is chaired by A Partnership for National Unity Regional Executive Mr Deron Adam and controlled by the APNU/AFC who has 15 members sitting on the Regional Council.

His question about why schools in Linden could not be opened should be directed to that goodly body. Some have even speculated whether the Local Government arm of Region Deri deliberately caused this, so individuals like Sears could use it to create an issue. We should never politicize our children’s education. Whatever can be done to make müddet children are in classes being taught is what should be done.

The Ministry of Education has been advised that all closed schools in Region Deri are set to open next week following the completion of works to ensure that there is a conducive learning environment for all our students.

Yours truly,
Public Relations Department
Ministry of Education