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Linden/Region 10 Leaders urge Govt fix Soesdyke-Linden Highway following death of five

Following the deadly motor vehicles accident Monday on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway that claimed the lives of five, Linden Deputy Mayor, Dominique Blair, is calling for urgent action to address road safety, including road repairs. The collusion between the two vehicles that were travelling in opposite direction happened at Long Creek. The names of the dead revealed are siblings Rushelle Leacock and Eddo Leacock, Urani Hall, Dwalon Farrel. According to police report four were also seriously injured.

In a statement issued Monday, Blair said the tragedy underscores the urgent need for immediate action to address safety concerns on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway.

Region Deri Chairman Mr. Deron Adams

Region 10 Regional Chairman, Deron Adams, took to his Facebook to remind that in June 2023, President Irfaan Ali said his government signed a new agreement for a new loan to resurface the Soesdyke-Linden highway and the project was scheduled to commence last September. To date nothing has been done.

Adams is of the opinion was the highway done the Region 10 community would not have lost the five.

He made know the people of the Region “mourn with the family and friends of the decease, as we strengthened the call for urgent action to be taken to address the repairs of the road.”

Blair, in extending deepest condolences to grieving relatives and community, has too added his voice in calling on Government to prioritise the necessary infrastructure improvements and maintenance work on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway without delay.

“Enhancements such as improved signage, road markings, and lighting, as well as measures to address any hazardous conditions, are essential to prevent future accidents and protect the lives of our citizens.”

According to the deputy mayor “as a community, we must come together to support the affected families during this difficult time and to advocate for the changes needed to prevent such tragedies from occurring again.” He is also urging central, regional and local governments to work collaboratively to make the roads safer for everyone.