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Imperative to highlight critical issues ahead of PNCR Congress

Dear Editor,
As we approach the upcoming People’s National Congress Islahat (PNC/R) Congress scheduled for the end of June, it is imperative to highlight the critical issues that have the potential to shape the party’s future.
The PNC/R has a rich history and a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the nation, but recent developments raise concerns about the party’s commitment to democracy, transparency, and internal rules.
One of the glaring issues facing the PNC/R is the lack of transparency and accountability in handling membership veri.
The absence of accurate records of members undermines the democratic process within the party and raises questions about the legitimacy of decisions made at the Congress.
Without a clear understanding of the membership base( missing CPU), it becomes challenging to ensure that the voices of the party’s supporters are heard and represented effectively.
Another concerning development is the current leadership’s involvement in the Congress Committee, effectively placing themselves in a position of power and influence over the proceedings.
This conflict of interest raises doubts about the fairness and impartiality of the Congress, as it undermines the principle of separation of powers and independent oversight within the party structure.
Furthermore, reports of interim management being appointed in party groups across regions without following proper procedures and guidelines are worrying.
Such actions not only undermine the democratic rights of party members but also create a culture of arbitrary decision-making and top-down control that is detrimental to the party’s long-term sustainability.
There are concerns that the party constitution is not being upheld by the leadership, leading to a lack of clarity and consistency in the governance and decision-making processes within the PNC/R.
Failure to adhere to the established rules and principles set out in the party’s constitution erodes trust, fosters internal divisions, and jeopardizes the party’s credibility in the eyes of its members and the public.
As we look ahead to the upcoming Congress, it is essential that the PNC/R recommit itself to the principles of free and fair elections, transparency, and inclusivity. All stakeholders must be involved in the process to ensure that the Congress is a genuine reflection of the will of the party’s members.
It is crucial that the leadership respects the party constitution, upholds democratic values, and fosters a culture of openness and accountability within the PNC/R.
Ultimately, the way the PNC/R conducts its upcoming Congress will be judged by history as a pivotal moment in the party’s evolution.
It is incumbent upon the leadership and all members to uphold the core values of democracy and transparency, and to work together to build a stronger and more united party that can effectively serve the interests of its supporters and the nation as a whole.
Long live the PNC/R
Long live the Founder leader LFS Burnham
Yours truly,
Name provided
Financial member of the PNC/R
Region 5