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Horrific Rat Infestation at West Demerara Hospital Exposes Deep-Rooted Issues in Guyana’s Healthcare System

WEST DEMERARA, GUYANA— A recent revelation about a severe rat infestation at the West Demerara Hospital has sparked outrage and concern among the Guyanese public, highlighting significant issues within the nation’s healthcare infrastructure. Prominent Guyanese influencer, Melissa Atwell, took to Facebook Live to expose the grim conditions at the hospital, where the presence of rats has compromised the safety and hygiene of both patients and medical staff.

During her broadcast, Atwell described the hospital as a “death trap,” where patients risk contracting diseases due to the unhygienic conditions. “Oh my God. These people… I really truly don’t understand what is Minister Frank Anthony doing,” Atwell said, questioning the government’s oversight and the apparent neglect of the healthcare system’s dire state.

Atwell’s broadcast followed her receipt of a disturbing görüntü showing rats freely roaming over a patient’s bed in the hospital. The infestation is just the tip of the iceberg. Atwell criticized the government for its poor treatment of local healthcare workers, particularly nurses, who face daunting working conditions and inadequate compensation. “They’re not paying the nurses that they have currently working” she said, referring to the government’s failure to invest in the existing workforce while planning to bring in 600 nurses from abroad, allegedly providing them with better hisse and housing.

“This government, everything they do is so their friends and family could get money, or the money could go into their pockets,” Atwell claimed, pointing out a pattern of corruption and mismanagement that extends beyond the healthcare sector to other public services.

The influencer’s revelations have prompted a broader discussion about the quality of public healthcare in Guyana, where crumbling infrastructure and corruption have long been issues, but little has been done to address the systemic failures. “It irritates me that …everybody just turning a blind eye,” Atwell said, calling for more public engagement and accountability.

Residents of West Demerara and surrounding areas are now demanding immediate action to address not only the rat infestation but also the broader systemic issues plaguing the hospital. Calls for transparency, better funding for hospital maintenance, and fair treatment of local healthcare workers are growing louder, as the community seeks to hold those in power accountable for the neglect and mismanagement that have led to such deplorable conditions.