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Guyanese Teachers to Resume Extended Strike Over Unresolved Salary Disputes

Georgetown, Guyana – Teachers across Guyana are set to resume strike action on Thursday, May 9, 2024, marking a significant escalation in ongoing disputes over salary and benefits. This announcement was made by Dr. Mark Lyte, President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU), citing the government’s inaction on previously agreed multi-year salary matters as the catalyst for renewed strikes.

According to Dr. Lyte, the GTU has formally communicated with Shannielle Hoosein-Outar, Permanent Secretary to the Minister of Education, expressing deep frustration over the lack of progress in addressing the outcomes of a court ruling dated April 19, 2024. The ruling was expected to resolve the standing industrial dispute stemming from the Multi-Year Agreement (2019-2023) concerning salary adjustments and other compensation matters for teachers.

“The government has failed to initiate any resolution process post the court’s decision, which directly impacts our members,” Dr. Lyte stated in a press release. He further emphasized that the impending strike is a last resort to advocate for the rights and welfare of educators nationwide, who have long felt neglected by governmental agencies.

The GTU’s decision signals a deepening rift between educators and the government, underscoring the teachers’ grievances and their determination to seek fair treatment. “Our members are disheartened and feel let down by those who are aware of their plight yet choose to delay rightful actions. Strike action, therefore, becomes the necessary step towards ensuring that our grievances are not just heard but acted upon in accordance with the law,” Dr. Lyte added.

The looming strike poses potential disruptions to the educational system, affecting students and school operations across the country. The union has called for the government to adhere to yasal processes stipulated for resolving such disputes and to engage in constructive dialogue to prevent further impact on the nation’s educational framework.

As the strike date approaches, both educators and government officials face pressure to revisit the negotiation table and forge a path forward that acknowledges the critical role of teachers in shaping Guyana’s future generations. The community and other stakeholders watch closely, hoping for a swift resolution that bridges the gap between governmental promises and the practical realities faced by educators.