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Guyana is a nation led by Perverts and Weak Men and Women

Equivocation about what is downright evil pervades Guyana. It doesn’t matter how vile the sin, someone, somewhere, who has a financial interest in the status quo will jump out to aggressively defend the indefensible, and in the most nasty and vile way. Even those thought to be decent are complicit in their silence.

A young woman stepped forward to share a story she has been trying to share for 4 years. This woman has done everything we asked of her. A national scholar, an economist, committed to the development of her region, but even she is not free to enjoy respectful employment without having to surrender to the vile sexual advances of a known and powerful pervert in Guyana.

The nation is burdened by the PPP government. The cost of living is going up, corruption is everywhere, young women must endure sexual assaults, African people are discriminated against and dispossessed of their lands. Where are our leaders? Who will step forward to say, ‘no more!”

What is instructive is that even the men in the PPP will not allow their children around the known predators in the party, but yet these predators are unleashed on the people of Guyana. The people of Guyana will eventually have to organize to save themselves. The longer we abide leaders–in church, in politics, in the community who are cowards and who acquiesce to PPP evil, the more difficult it will be for us to create a better world for our children and grandchildren.

The government is evil and the people have been abandoned.