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Govt needs to act immediately and confirm Justice George-Wiltshire and Justice Cummings-Edwards as Chancellor

Dear Editor,

A few weeks ago the Attorney General Anil Nandlall made comments on our judiciary. I want to remind him of these basic principles he may have forgotten of his government led by President Irfaan Ali. The Ali-led PPP government has repeatedly failed to confirm the appointments of Guyana’s Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire and Chancellor of the Judiciary Yonette Cummings-Edwards to their substantive positions. I also wish to remind him of the independence and integrity of Guyana’s judiciary.
Both Justice George-Wiltshire and Justice Cummings-Edwards are highly qualified and experienced jurists who have served with distinction in an acting capacity for years now. They are both women of African descent, which makes the government’s reluctance to confirm them.
It appears the PPP government, led by President Ali and Attorney General Anil Nandlall, is hesitant to cement the appointments of these two senior judicial officers because they do not want to relinquish control over the courts. The Attorney General made concerning statements a few weeks ago on the court systems, you cannot be the “policy maker” and want to direct the operations of the judiciary at the same time.
This is an unacceptable encroachment on the separation of powers. The judiciary must remain independent and free from political interference in order to properly fulfil its role of upholding the rule of law and serving as a check on the executive and legislative branches of government.
The PPP government’s refusal to confirm Justice George-Wiltshire and Justice Cummings-Edwards smacks of racial discrimination. These are two highly capable women who deserve to have their appointments made permanent, free from any political agenda or racial animus.
The PPP government needs to act immediately confirming Justice George-Wiltshire as Chief Justice and Justice Cummings-Edwards as Chancellor of the Judiciary. Anything less is a betrayal of Guyana’s democratic principles and an affront to the independence of the judiciary. The people of Guyana deserve better.
Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA
Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor
City of Georgetown