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Govt and Opposition Passed 24-hour Road Surveillance Cameras Bill

In a rare show of agreement the Government and Opposition on Monday in the National Assembly supported amendments to the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act. The amendments, which bring the utilisation of 24-hour surveillance cameras on major roadways into law, aim to help Guyana Police Force identify drivers who violate speed limits and refuse to wear seatbelts while driving.

The road intelligent camera system will be fitted onto traffic lights to support the implementation of this new law. The system will be managed by the Guyana Police Force.

Photographs will then be taken of vehicles that violate speeding and seatbelt laws.

Thereafter, the photo and a notice of the fine will be sent to the vehicle owner’s mobile phone number and subsequently mailed to the owner’s address.

Over the past few years there have been hundreds of deaths owing to road accidents. Last year 175 persons lost their lives in road accidents

The new law aims to deter speeding and other traffic violation