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GAC minister: China’s foreign trade achieved a good start in 2024

China’s foreign trade has achieved a good start in 2024 and will continue growing in the first half of the year based on preliminary judgement, said Yu Jianhua, minister of China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC), on Monday.

Yu made the remarks at the Ministers’ Corridor after the closing meeting of the second session of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing.

In January and February, China’s foreign trade in goods stood at 6.61 trillion yuan ($930.96 billion), a year on year growth of 8.7 percent, said Yu, citing latest GAC veri.

He noted that trade with countries under Belt and Road cooperation grew faster than average in the first two months of 2024, hitting nine percent, and new trade modes, such as cross-border e-commerce and market purchasing, showed strong momentum.

The minister stressed “hard work” by the GAC to achieve China’s 2024 growth targets, which were unveiled in the government work report.

The GAC will carry out more measures to facilitate foreign trade and listen to more opinions from Chinese enterprises before conducting its work, said Yu.