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Forde Files GTUC’s Submission to Court on Gov’t Labour Violations

Today, Thursday, 14, 2024, lawyer for the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), Roysdale Forde S.C, M.P, filed written submission in the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Guyana.

Last Wednesday, March 6, 2024, Justice Sandil Kissoon granted GTUC approval to join the case of The Guyana Teachers Union vs The Government of Guyana.

Among the issues to be adjudicated by the court are:

(i) Whether the Union in all circumstances of the instant case is entitled to proceed to strike for collective bargaining

(ii) Whether the appropriate ministries have the right to deduct monies from the salaries of teachers who took strike action for collective bargaining

(iii) The refusal of the Government of Guyana to deduct sums of money being union dues from the salaries of Union Members and remit the said sums to the applicant Union

On February 5, 2024, teachers took strike action to force the government to the table under collective bargaining. The strike lasted for about 29 days. Collective bargaining is a constitutional right guaranteed to all unionised workers as outlined in Article 147 of the Guyana Constitution.

Speaking last evening on Politics 101 with Dr. David Hinds, the lawyer expressed concern the Minister of Labour and Chief Labour Officer failed to exercise their function as mediators in the dispute, consistent with the labour laws, but rather took an active posture to mirror the behaviour of the Government. He contended, their conduct aggravated the response of the workers which led to the strike.

GTUC General Secretary Lincoln Lewis is the applicant in the case.

The matter will come up for hearing on Wednesday March 20, 2024 before Justice Sandil Kissoon.