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Feature: The Sophia Learning Pod is Making Remarkable Strides in Technology Education

In the bustling community of Sophia, the local Learning Pod in the Sophia Primary school is making remarkable strides in technology education, thanks to the unwavering support from IDBLab, STEMGuyana and the Ministry of Education which allows the programs to exist in various schools across the country. At the heart of the significant achievements of the young learners lies the dedication of pod leader Ms Annalisa Lall, who is always passionate about sharing the journey of the program’s young learners with members of the wider community.

“The children have learnt to use technology to learn,” Ms Lall proudly states. This simple yet profound statement encapsulates the transformative impact the Learning Pod has had on its attendees. The children, who initially had limited exposure to technology, now confidently navigate computers and utilize various digital tools like the Scratch application to learn to code and to enhance their learning experiences and the program is paying off in better attendance, better grades and better overall attitudes among the nation’s future leaders. I must highlight students like Usian Griffith who give their best at every class. I am proud of the all.

STEMGuyana is currently looking for a corporate sponsors to continue to support the good work at the Sophia Learning pod, beyond the life of the IDBLab contract. “We must not allow the great progress we have made in helping to prepare the future leaders of Guyana from the Sophia community to end”, said STEMGuyana Operations Manager, Alisha Koulen. The commitment of the children and the innovative approach of the leaders will continue to play a crucial role in extending the life of the program. Griffith emphasizes, “There’s always something new to learn,” a sentiment that resonates deeply with the young minds eager to expand their knowledge.

One of the notable successes of the Sophia Learning Pod is its ability to keep the children engaged and excited about learning, even during holidays. “Yes, a few of the children do not want to come to pod duties on holidays, but the vast majority do and we usually make those days very fun” Griffith shares with a smile, highlighting the enthusiasm and dedication of the students. This enthusiasm is further nurtured through effective communication channels like WhatsApp groups, ensuring that the learning never stops.

STEMGuyana, under the leadership of Director Karen Abrams, continues to provide invaluable support and guidance to learning pods, STEM clubs, Drone Soccer and other programs across the country. “Our goal is to prepare learners with the soft skills to be future leaders and in the short term, to keep them engaged, in school and strengthening their STEM knowledge,” says Abrams. Her words underscore the importance of initiatives like the Sophia Learning Pod in shaping the future of education in Guyana.

The story of the Sophia Learning Pod is a reflection of the power of technology in education and the difference that dedicated leaders and supportive sponsors can make in a community. As the children of Sophia continue to explore the endless possibilities of technology, one thing remains clear; the future is bright, and the journey of learning is just beginning.