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Explosive Indictment! AFC Leader Ramjattan Blasts PPP Government Amid US Sanctions

by Nicole Telford
Explosive, massive, staggering—a most insightful indictment against the People’s Progressive Party Civic Government. These are some of the sentiments shared by Lawyer and Leader of the Alliance for Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, with Village Voice News. In response to the recent sanctions against Guyanese by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, Ramjattan said, “Illegalities listed as perpetuated by Government Officials by the United States Authorities points to a complete indictment on the current Government of Guyana practices.”

When asked if the court system can ensure a fair outcome for those charged with corruption, Ramjattan replied, “The criminal justice system here is not sufficient to deal with the level of corruption outlined.” He added, “Witnesses are often too scared to speak, and if subpoenaed, will often say they can’t remember the issue or date of occurrences. Case files are often misplaced or soiled; the court of law is dysfunctional.”

Ramjattan emphasized the need for international cooperation to investigate and disincentivize yasa dışı players by freezing assets and forcing disengagement with corrupt individuals and entities.

On June 11, 2024, the US released a statement that OFAC sanctioned Nazar Mohamed, his son Azruddin Mohamed, their company Mohamed’s Enterprise, and Mae Thomas, a Guyanese government official, for their roles in public corruption. OFAC also designated Hadi’s World and Team Mohamed’s Racing Team, owned or controlled by Mohamed’s Enterprise and Azruddin, respectively. These sanctions were issued under Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, targeting serious human rights abuses and corruption globally.

Ramjattan criticized Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP, stating they believe they are untouchable. He also noted President Irfaan Ali’s silence as the government begins to implode, stating, “They should have asked the US Authorities for information since the first release the US made months ago, but I understand that they did not.”